scenery snow
stupidly good jump by sammy d. pretty sure he stacked it afterwards though
after completing a beast of a black run which is almost completely invisible
I'm amazed I'm even in this shot I was going so fast. Man, I'm a bad ass
Les Arcs 2004
Word. Snowboarding is the baddest thing on earth, if you don't know that you don't know nothing. Check out these totally radical photographs and think to yourself "man, I'm a big gay loser" if you don't board. If you do, think "why in hell am I not as gnarly as these guys?" and then kick your own ass.
I'm pretty sure there's some damn funny stories behind these photos but I'll be damned if I can remember any of them.

I can, however remember performing some kind of vicious 180 cab neck plant off the jump that sam can be seen to be doing, and wedging a large portion of my board into powder.
The ensuing battle to forcably remove said board from said powder launched it down the slop at a rate of knots of its own volition endangering man and beast, before being recovered by some hero.
Other things I don't really remember:

having to eat a metric tonne of cheese

following marmot tracks off piste to their inevitable end at a tree.

staying in a hotel that was clearly designed by a visually impaired abstract artist.

taking the short way home through some trees that were clearly marked as dangerously unsafe.

Night boarding with flaming tin cans as the only light source.

Regularly riding into walls and holes due to intense flat light.

having a bathroom that resembled a 70s porn submarine.

being launched into the firmament and repeatedly landing face down in several feet of powder.

it snowing all the goddamn time making perfect boarding and us nailing everything in the entire world because we rock.


14 may 2004