Emotional Concerns after a Sexual Assault
Believe in yourself you are a SURVIVOR!!!
It is important to realize that certain reactions and feelings are normal for women and men who have been raped. Some of these feelings are listed below:

* Anger - Both at the rapist and at the world in general and anger at ones self for it happening.

* Dirtiness - Feeling damaged, dirty, disgusted can't seem to take enough showers/baths to feel clean.

* Distrust - Feeling suspicious of the world and being very cautious, don't trusting anyone.

* Fear - Afraid that the rapist will come back to hurt or rape you again. Afraid of others misunderstanding, fear of not being believed that it happened.

* Fright - Feeling that you want someone to be with you at all times.

* Guilt - Feeling that the assault was your fault or that you should have tried to do something different, feeling that you should have fought harder, that something is wrong.

* Sexual fear - Feeling that you wish to stop sexual relations with the significant person in your life, or that you will never enjoy sexual relations again.

* Shame and humiliation - Feeling personal violation and degradation.
* Shock and numbness - Wondering what to do and who to tell first.

* Powerlessness and helplessness - Feeling weak, that you have no control over your own life or body.

Finding a counselor and talking with him/her and finding a support group to attend will help find people who have gone through similar experiences and will help aid in building your support system which can be very helpful if you are having feelings that upset or confuse you.

Are you in crisis right now?
If so You can call the National Sexual Assault Hotline 1.800.656.HOPE (4673)
They will put you in touch with your local crisis center and your local center can help you in finding other resources to help you.

The Mighty Phoenix