What you call Home! We call Hell!
Survivors Healing One Step at a Time
Marie's site on healing from incest, childhood sexual assault, domestic violence and rape. And the affects and impact it has on a survivor's life.

On my site you will find information on PTSD, Depression, Anxiety and panic attacks, Dissociation and other helpful information.

I am not a therapist. I am a survivor sharing my thoughts and helpful information that I found that was helpful to me!
Please stay safe as you journey through our site. Some things may be very disturbing and could be triggering.

We wish all survivors peace and healing. Please know you are not alone. We do understand for we have walked in the shoes of sexual assault and abuse.

According to the Justice Department, a woman is raped somewhere in America every 90 seconds.
The Mighty Phoenix
Gin's Personal Page
A Voice That Has Spoken From Within
Children Are Worth Saving
Children of Alcoholics: Important Facts
Emotional Concerns after a Sexual Assault
Partnership Against Domestic Violence
NCCASA Recovery Links

The Silver Braid Survivors of Sexual Exploitation Network - Metro Atlanta Area

The Domestic Violence Series


Support Network for Battered Women

Healing Minds

Southern Crecent Sexual Assault Center

National Domestic Violence Hotline

USDOJ: Office on Violence Against Women

National Coalition Against Domestic Violence

National Center for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder


BE SAFE Campaign

National Council On Child Abuse & Family Violence

North Carolina Coalition Against Sexual Assault

Tennessee Coalition Against Domestic and Sexual Violence

New Jersey Coalition Against Sexual Assault

Living after abuse

Suicide Prevention Action Network USA

National Mental Health Association

Child Molestation Research and  Prevention Institute

Mothers Against Sexual Abuse

Childhood It Should Not Hurt

Safety in Relationships (for Girls)

Child sexual abuse/incest

JBWS | Jersey Battered Women's Service | Stay Safe

After Leaving an Abusive Relationship

Safe Child

Book List
Rhonnie's book "So, what's normal? Life After Pedophilia, Abuse and Neglect" will help you understand child abuse... all aspects.  She lived it, she survived it and is here to tell you about it with unguarded honesty as she opens the pages of her own traumatic life for everyone to see and learn from.

Rhonnie writes:

"I am the face of child abuse. I am one of the 42 Million survivors whose childhood was stolen from them as a victim of child abuse. And like so many, my abusers were my parents. I am the third of six kids. I do not remember a time in my life as a child where I was not being abused. I do not remember ever being happy. I barely remember school. There was never any peace in my life. What I do remember was the constant fear of getting beaten or ridiculed. My life became worse after I was 6 or so as my father began molesting me. Fear and terror took over my days and nights. I was sick inside of myself and worried from the moment that I woke. Dad was very cunning, a master at manipulation and created roles for each of us. He conditioned us to fear him from the very beginning of our lives, with what he called punishments."

You can read more about Rhonnie at her websites:

www.livingafterabuse.com/truth.htm (Rhonnie's Ezine)
Come visit my store at Cafepress!
Child Abuse Hotline:

If you believe that a child is in immediate danger, call 911 or your local police department.