First time visitors click here for the story and pictures.
Return visitors may go directly to the pages listed below.

Informational pages

Wheat Weaving News
Wheat Suppliers
Wheat Weaving Books
Info on Conventions
Picture Gallery
Mail Order Gallery II
Wheat Weaving Links

Organizations and Guilds

National Association of Wheat Weavers NAWW
Guild of Straw Craftsmen (United Kingdom) GSC
California Wheat Weavers Guild CWWG
Illinois Association of Wheat Weavers IAWW
Kansas Association of Straw Artists KASA
Wichita Wheat Weavers Guild WWWG
A listing of Teachers

Personal Pages
Janet Brewin
Celestine Carey
Isabelle Deconinck
Branka Dulic
Elda Heidemann
Grethe Jensen
Judy Laird
Veronica Main
Judy McCaskey
Donna Morgenstern
Atie Nijenhuis - Britting
Nan Rohan
Peter Shelley
Carol Tearne
Carol Thompson
Martha & Marie Voth

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