Warren Heights
Bureau of Fire
Est. 1890
A Lego Fire Department
The Warren Heights Fire Department was founded in 1890, when the township charter decided unanimously for a fire protection company within the villiage limits.  Since then, the past 114 years have seen numerous changes to the Warren Heights Bureau of Fire.  We serve a population of 72,000 residents, and we have an ISO Rating of 3.  On this website one can find information about the department, personnel, apparatus, and day to day operations.  Enjoy your stay here with the Warren Heights Bureau of Fire.
Administration & Fire Prevention Suppression Operations Special Operations River Rescue
Fire Stations
Central Fire Station Fire Station No. 3
Fire Station No. 4 Fire Station No. 5 Fire Station No. 6
Warren Heights Professional Firefighters Union Local #330
City of Warren Heights Map
Recent News 2003 City Run Report