Welcome to Walton Hills Health and Fitness Center's Homepage!

Our homepage was created to provide a pleasant and informative experience to all visitors. We have produced the following guidelines to guarantee enjoyment for all visitors of the Walton Hills Health and Fitness Center's Website.


  • The material found in this website is provided for you, the visitor, to aid in your knowledge of health and fitness subjects found throughout this site.

  • We strongly urge that you consult a medical professional prior to using any information or recommendations found in this website or any website that describes, demonstrates, or suggests a specific fitness program, workout routine, diet, or other activity.

  • Information found here should never replace a visit, call, or consultation with medical personnel or other health care provider.

  • You should never disregard medical advice or avoid seeking it because of something you found in this website.

  • Furthermore, we do not condone self-care of medical problems, due to the information or suggestions found in this website.

  • We do not assume any liability for injuries that may occur while using any information found in this website, even if medical personnel was consulted.