Gundam Wing Shrine
Konnichiwa, welcome to the Gundam Wing section! Unfortunately, I decided I had to take down the Duo and Heero shrines, because Geocities has limited bandwidth, and my site kept getting shut down. I'll just keep the group pics, and I hope this will take care of the bandwidth problem... *sigh* ... Everything else is here, though, so please, enjoy! ^_^
Heero says "Welcome."
Ghost's Anime Page
| Oh look, it's my new Duo kitty! Isn't he kawaii? Duo: *rolls over and mumbles in sleep* Shin...mi...*sigh* *whisper* Oops, he's asleep. But he even dreams of Shinigami! Let's leave him to his dreams okay? *smile*
Chibi Duo says: "Vote for your favorite!" |
| Chibi Heero says: "Vote, or omae o korosu." |
I have all my Gundam group pics housed right here. Guess what?! All 87 of the group pics I have collected are up for your veiwing pleasure. ^_^ I finally finished it! For now... |
Here is my FAN Section!! I will put up any fanwork that I really like! ^_^ Fanfiction and Fanart are both welcome!
Here is where you will find my yaoi fanfiction, so I will put up a link up to my non-yaoi site! Oh, and click here if you're asking yourself: "What the Hell is Yaoi?"
Here is my section of FANART!!! WHEE!! Most of it is mine, but I'm always accepting new art! Send it to me if you would like me to put it up. All I ask is that it be GW. ^_^
I decided to put up all my Gundam Wing poetry! Most of it was intended to be yaoi, but it's also vague enough that it could be het, if you really have a problem with yaoi. If you have any poetry you would like me to put up, send it to me. Again, all I ask is that it be GW. ^_^
And here is a shrine to one of the most underappreciated characters in Gundam Wing! SALLY PO!! She's strong, she's kind, she has a strong sense of justice... in short, SHE ROCKS! ^_^ |
A very nicely done shrine for the Arabian Prince, Quatre Reberba-Winner! ^_^ Isn't he adorable? From his shining golden locks to his gorgeous aquamarine eyes... yes, he is. ^_^ Go visit! |
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