Working Theory for a Map of the World
Before the Breaking

We have, for sometime, been attempting to develop a model of the World before the Breaking, using clues found in the geography of our land, and in the location of certain artifacts from the Age of Legends.  Unfortunately, we also had to base this opinion on several hypotheses that we have no way of proving.  These are as follows:

- Lews Therin Telemon destroyed himself by drawing in too much of the One Power.  The result of this ended in Dragonmount.  As he was the most powerful Aes Sedai of him time, we believe it unlikely that any single Aes Sedai was able to do as much damage in one go to the World.  This rules out any Aes Sedai causing continental drift.  It is much more likely that they too were able to affect the world by manipulating its elevation (i.e. raising or felling mountain ranges, or burying Stedding under mountains and revealing new Stedding in the process).  These changes could easily account for the creation or disappearance of oceans.  Anything more drastic would either take several male Aes Sedai linking (unlikely that any women would volunteer to help in this endeavor), or they would have to have angreal (which were hidden with the Aiel who were told to keep moving)

-  If the largest changes in the World were changes in elevation, then relics from the Age of Legends would remain close to their original location.    We looked at the location of Portal Stones, as well as the remains of old cities and Sa'angreal.  The lack of such remains was also taken into account as it may signify a lack of land in that location.  The maps below are of the same section of our World, and the second map was made using the first

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