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Clowne 2001
A Potted History of Clowne.
A Potted History of Clowne Church.
Southgate House.
Southgate House, home of the Bowden Family,had quite a checkered past. Besides being a family home , the house was requisitioned at the begining of the second war.It was first used as an army camp,(cavelry encamped in the grounds)and later used as a POW camp. After the war , it became and remains to this day, a hotel and garden centre.
The Old Mill.
The old flour mill, from which Clowne's main street, Mill Street, gets it's name. Owned by Mr. Bourne, the mill in the centre of the village supplied flour and meal to the local area.    Built during Victoria's reign, the mill survived well into the 20th century,ceasing production in the 1960's.Little remains of the building though part of the attached cottage can still be seen.
Clownes Two Stations.
The two railway stations of Clowne, one built by the Midland Railway Co. the other, by the Lancashire and Eat Coast Co..Both lines are now sadly no longer with us, but the site of the trackway became the Linear Park.A haven for birds and wildlife, the park is a popular spot at weekends.The only remaining trace of the railways are the old station clock, attached to the side of Station House, and the old booking office,on North Road.
The Village Schools.
The buildings to the right,rear of the photo, are theold girls school,and infants school built in 1877,and attached to the earlier one roomed scool.(See A Potted History.). The buildings on the left, The Boys School, were built12 years later in 1889. Both sructures survive and are now utilised by the North Derbyshire Tertary College.
Springvale Cottages.
Springvale Cottages, stood at the bottom of what is now Creswell Rd. The picture left , is the result of a tragic accident.After a period of  heavy rain the level of nearby Bumpmill Pond(Harlesthorpe Dam) had risen to alarming levels. The owner, a Mr. Sibring decided to raise the sluice to lower the pond. However it was unfortunate that although the sluice opened and did its job, Mr. Sibring found that it would not close , the result ,left , is eloquent in its image.