Herbs of the Zodiac & Astral Colors
= Aries = Garlic * Hemp * Marjoram * Mustard seed * Angelica root

= Taurus = Colts foot * Dandelion * Sage * Thyme * Patchouli * Cedar

= Gemini = Caraway seed * Lavender * Mandrake * Vervain * Hazel * Mugwort * Wormwood * Spearmint

= Cancer = Lemon verbena * Marigold * Geranium * Apple * Catnip

= Leo = Anise * Bay leaves * Dill * Mint * Oak * Clove

= Virgo = Fennel seed * Valerian * Scullcap * Cypress

= Libra = Penny royal * Thyme * Lemon Verbena

= Scorpio = Basil * Sasperilla * Horehound * Ash * Hops

= Sagittarius = Red clover * Berdock * St. Johns wort * Tobacco

= Capricorn = Comfrey * Slippery Elm * Thyme * Jasmine

= Aquarius = Frankincense * Myrrh * Valerian * Sandlewood * Peppermint

= Pisces = Irish moss * Seaspirit * Hyacinth * Lovage* Willow

= Aries = Garlic * Hemp * Marjoram * Mustard seed * Angelica root

= Taurus = Colts foot * Dandelion * Sage * Thyme * Patchouli * Cedar

= Gemini = Caraway seed * Lavender * Mandrake * Vervain * Hazel * Mugwort * Wormwood * Spearmint

= Cancer = Lemon verbena * Marigold * Geranium * Apple * Catnip

= Leo = Anise * Bay leaves * Dill * Mint * Oak * Clove

= Virgo = Fennel seed * Valerian * Scullcap * Cypress

= Libra = Penny royal * Thyme * Lemon Verbena

= Scorpio = Basil * Sasperilla * Horehound * Ash * Hops

= Sagittarius = Red clover * Berdock * St. Johns wort * Tobacco

= Capricorn = Comfrey * Slippery Elm * Thyme * Jasmine

= Aquarius = Frankincense * Myrrh * Valerian * Sandlewood * Peppermint

= Pisces = Irish moss * Seaspirit * Hyacinth * Lovage* Willow
Witches Herbal Chant
“Herb and root seed and flower, bring to me your ancient power.
Growing deep from moon to moon, mother hear my ancient tune.
A pinch of this, a pinch of that, make magic in my witch’s vat.”
~ © 2002 Barbara Morris

Flower & Herb Drying

Air Drying:

Air-drying can be very successful with herbs, everlastings and ornamental grasses. Choose perfect plants with long stems, removing the lower leaves. Put the flowers in small bunches, fastening them together with a rubber band; then open each bunch into a fan shape. Hang the flowers head down from nails in a dry, dark place for one to three weeks until they are completely dry. The colors will usually be muted. Display your flowers in the house or store them as above. This method works with roses as well. Cut the stems off to the very bottom of the rose head, and carefully insert a 6-8" length of wire. Hang upside down by bending the end of the wire over a hanger and place in a dark dry closet where it won't be disturbed. One hanger can accomodate several flowers, just space them apart a bit.

~ © 2001 Barbara Morris

* TIP *
Try storing dried roses heads in a cardboard egg carton. They stay upright and don't get squashed. The natural holes in the carton helps with ventilation and you could sprinkle a small amount of silica gel in the bottom of the carton to help keep humidity out.

Flower & Herb Waters
Rose & Rosemary Water

3 tbsp dried rosemary or 6 tbsp fresh rosemary
2 tbsp dried or fresh rose petals
4 cups water
1 Vitiman 'C' tablet(presertive)

Combine all ingredients in a small glass or enameled pan. Bring water JUST to a simmerand shut heat. Add herbs/flowers. Steep for 20 mins. *This process can be repeated using the same water and more herbs/flowers for a stronger scent. Add a vitamin 'C' tablet while mixture is still warm. * Cool to room temperature, then strain out the herbs. Put liquid in a bottle with a lid and dab on with cotton, OR put it in a spray bottle and spray on your face and body. This rinse will remove any traces of soap on your face. Refrigerate between uses.

You can use any flower or herb of your choice, other fav's of mine are Lavender, Lemon Verbana, Witch Hazel, Marigold. I also use my Flower/Herb waters to cleanse my Altar and magical tools.
~ © 2001 Barbara Morris

Herbal Steam Facial

I also sometimes treat my self to an Herbal facial. here's how you can try this "spa-like" treatment in your own home:
Bring 4 cups of water to a simmer and add 4 tablespoons of an herb like lavender to a teapot. Pour boiling water over herbs in teapot, cover teapot. Sit at table and cover head with towel, slowly pour steaming herb/water mix into deep bowl, do 1/3 of the water at a time. Allow the steam to build up around your face, but be careful of the hot water. The steam will do wonders for your face, skin is moister and younger looking, feeling. Do not steam longer than 20 mins. Use an astringent immediately after steam while pores are open, for best results.
~ © 2001 Barbara Morris

Witch Hazel Astringent

Fill A glass bottle 1/4 full with dried Witch hazel leaves.
Fill to the top with isopropyl alcohol.
Cork or cover bottle and store in a cool dark place for three days.
On the third day you will find that the liquid has turned white, now strain herbs through cheese cloth, or steel strainer, paper coffe filter.
Return to bottle and cork.
Store in cool dark place.

Great for skin, apply after "Steam facials", cleansing eye glasses, magical mirrors, crystals ETC.
~ © 2001 Barbara Morris

Natural Disinfectant

Wash area with a tea made from Thyme, Garlic or lavender. All are antiseptic by nature.

Perfume & Cologne, 'How to' Recipes

Perfumes are concentrated fragrances. Their scent will last a long time.
Simply add 1 teaspoon of fragrance oil (essential oil) to 1/4 cup 100-proof vodka. Shake well.


Cologne is lighter than perfume, and will give you a lighter fragrance.
Mix 1/2 teaspoon fragrance oil (essential oil) with 1/4 cup 100-proof vodka. Shake well.

* Store in pretty bottles or atomizer *

Conversion chart for Oils

~ 1/8 fluid ounce = 1 dram = 1/2 teaspoon plus 1/8 teaspoon
~ 1/4 fluid ounce = 2 drams = 1 and 1/4 teaspoons or 1/2 tablespoon
~ 1/2 fluid ounce = 4 drams =1 tablespoon
~ 3/4 fluid ounce = 6 drams = 1 tablespoon plus 1/2 tablespoon
~ 1 fluid ounce = 8 drams = 2 tablespoons

* Natural Beauty Recipes & Glamour Spells, click Here

Do it your self Herbal Remedies

* To reduce a fever; try a `Yarrow` bath.
* To help wounds heal; try a `Comfrey` compress.
* To ease the pain of sore muscles, try a hot `Ginger` compress.
* For upset stomach; Sip `Peppermini` tea.
* To sooth a dry cough; try `Marshmallow` root tea.

~ Source June 2ooo Issue 'Natural Health'

Lemon Verbena Sachet
1 cup lemon verbena, dried and crushed fine
1 cup lemon balm, dried and crushed fine
1 cup rosemary, dried and crushed fine
1 tablespoon Lemon peel (left as is)
4 drops essential oil of Verbena or Lemon


In a glass container, mix all the ingredients, allow to age for two weeks.
Fill ingredients into small or medium sized cloth/cotton/muslin bags. Makes 3 cups.
Discard after fragrance is gone.

~ © 2002 Barbara Morris

Witch Talk

What can kill can cure.
No Mistletoe, No luck!
Faerie Folks are in old Oaks.
Be silent as the sacred Oak!
More in the garden grows, than the witch knows.
Where Rosemary grows, the missus is master.
Where the Yarrow grows, there is one who knows...
If ye would herbal magick make, be sure the spell in rhyme be spake.

Ye Olde Herbal Names

One Eye of Newt, A dash of Sleepwort, pass the Bloody Fingers? I must finish this brew! Ever hear anything like this, and wonder just where and what people were talking about? Well would you be surprised to know that the things stirred into witches brews of old are still used to this very day?

The "code" words for many herbs were used for different reasons. As we all well know Witches were hunted not so very long ago. Unfortunately because of this hysteria many innocent people were hung or burned as witches, JUST for what they had growing in their own gardens. For example growing or using Foxglove could get you branded a witch, so many people because of this, began calling the herbs what they most resembled to the naked eye.

Below you will find a few “Old Herbal” names, Craft name (underlined) comes first, followed by the common name for that herb/flower/root.

Blood - Sap of Elder Tree * Bloody Fingers- Foxglove
Candlemas Maiden - Snowdrop * Candlewick Plant - Mullein
Crown for a King - Wormwood * Dew of the Sea - Rosemary
Dragonwort - Bistort * Earth Smoke - Fumitory
Elfwort - Eclampane * Enchanter's Plant - Vervain
Eye of the Star - Horehound * Eyes - Aster Daisy
Five Finger Grass - Cinquefoil * Joy of the Mountain - Marjoram
Lad's Love - Southernwood * Little Dragon - Tarragon
Love in Idleness - Pansy * Love Parsley - Lovage
Loveroot - Orris * Maiden's Ruin - Southernwood
Master of the Woods - Woodruff * Masterwort - Angelica
May Lily - Lily of the valley * Mistress of the Night - Tuberose
Password - Primrose * Queen of Meadow - Meadowsweet
Ram's Head - American Valerian * Seven Year's Love - Yarrow
Sleepwort - Lettuce * Sorcerer's Violet - Periwinkle
Star of the Earth - Avens * Starflower - Borage
Starweed - Chickweed * Starwort - Aster
Thousand Seal - Yarrow * Thunder Plant - Houseleek
Unicorn Horn - True Unicorn Root * Wax Dolls - Fumitory
Witch Herb - Mugwort * Witches Asprin - White Willow Bark
Witches Bells - Foxglove * Witches Briar - Briar Hip
Witchgrass - Dog Grass * Witchwood - Rowan

* Agrimony *

Agrimony for matrimony, perfect herb for the “couple” soon to Hand fast. Place a red sachet fill with Agrimony and place between the mattress of lovers to ensure a long relationship/marriage. Agrimony belongs to the element Air, also used for protection spells. Agrimony has also long been used to reverse spells sent against the magician. Used in “sleep” sachets, place under pillow for a “deep” rest. Beltane herb.

* Allspice *

Whole Allspice “berries” hold a wonderful sent of cloves. They look & feel like wood berries or beads. A very vitalizing spice, they are perfect for health amulets. Put out a dish of Allspice in a sick person’s room to uplift. Promotes determination and energy.

* Angelica (root)*

Protection, Exorcism.Grow in gardens as a protection, Carry the root with you as an amulet. Burn the dried leaves in exorcism rituals.

* Anise *

Protection, Purification. A good, general cleansing bath is made with a handful of Anise seeds and a few Bay leaves. A pillow of Anise keeps away nightmares.

*Apple *

Apples are the symbol of immortality and sexuality, associated with the planet Venus. Perfect for "couple" magic especially on Friday the 13th... In the language of flowers the Apple stands for Temptation, Love & Fertility. Held in high esteem by witches, as Apples possess a Natural Pentacle at it’s center. In Celtic lore Avalon was an isle of enchantment. Avalon means the "Apple-Place".

* Balsam Fir Needles *

Balsam fir OR The Silver Fir is associated with the moon and with the planet of Jupiter. This tree belongs to the triple aspect Goddess in Celtic lore, offering learning, choice and progress. The tree is sacred to many Goddesses. Silver Fir is used for magic involving power, insight, progression, protection, change, feminine rebirth, and birth.

The wood chips or needles are sometimes used as incense and carry a sweet forest scent, these can be burned right on charcoals or mixed with other herbs as an incense mix. Balsam/Silver Fir is the quintessential Yule tree. Its branches can be used as decorations at Yule time either as wreaths or as garland, where it will provide protection for the household and its occupants.

* Basil *

Purification, Protection, Love, Money. Add to money incense, put a pinch of Basil in four corners of you home at the start of each season to bring prosperity your way. It is said that if you grow Basil in your garden, yell and scream at it, to make a strong plant.

* Bay Leaves *

Protection, clairvoyance, purification, healing. Burn the leaves to induce visions. Wear as an amulet to ward off negativity. Burn and scatter on the floor to purify area. Make a dream pillow of Bay, and put under your bed pillow to induce inspiration and prophetic. For the best power do this with the full moon in "Scorpio". Write a wish on a "bay leaf" with "dragons blood ink" for a powerful out come.

* Black Salt *

“Black Salt is used in banishing and binding rituals. Great for bothersome neighbors. Magically used to remove negative energies from items. Often used to remove hexes and other harmful or negative energies. Cleanse your magical implements in a bath of black salt and water... and then wash in a bath of sea salt to purify the item and allow in only positive energies.

A PERFECT ingredient for filling “Binding Poppets” for a powerful outcome. Place a black candle in a pile of black salt for Samhain Remembrance rituals, sprinkle Ouiji Boards with Black Salt before use. “

* Bearberry Leaves *

Magical uses: Use in amulets for animal magic, animal shapshifting. Burn like sage leaves to honor Celtic Gods & Goddess. Burn with meditation incense to heighten one's psychic powers. Sprinkle powder leaves on shoes to take you to your true love. Wonderful little leaves for spellcrafting in candles, around candles on altar.These small, sturdy, elongated leaves are up to approximately 1" long.

* Caraway *

Protection, Passion. Add to love sachets and charms to attract a lover (physical sense) Carry the seeds to strengthen memory. Especially powerful to "Gemini's". This herb is where Rye bread gets it's smell.

* Catnip *

Chewed by warriors for fierceness in battle. Large dried leaves are powerful markers in magical books. Give to your "familar" (cat)to create a psychic bond with the animal. Use in spells for "courage"

* Chamomile *

Meditation, relaxation Prosperity. Use in prosperity charms to draw money. Burn as a relaxation incense for meditation. Make a tea with one tablespoon of Chamomile to 8 oz of water, and drink to relax or induce sleep. Sprinkle about room to calm the energy. Add to a pouch & hide in mattress to calm fighting couples.

* Cinnamon *

Prosperity, Passion, Healing. Use in spells for prosperity. Will stimulate and excite the passions of the male. Mix with Myrrh for a good general propose incense. Tie 3 Cinnamon sticks together with a white ribbon and hang on front door of business to bring customers.

* Devils Shoestring (root) *

To attain & keep employment, gain control at your work environment. Good luck for job search. Power in the work place, Employment.

* Dragons Blood (resin) *

Energy, Protection, purification. You will know if you have the real thing, if it burns pinkesh/red smoke. Used in the Drudic ritual "The Pelan Tan" during "Samhain". Put a pinch in with your magical tools, to keep unwanted eyes away. Use in "binding" spells to resemble human blood.

* Elder Flowers *

Sacred to the "White Lady" and midsummer solstice. The Druids used it to both bless and curse, Burn at "Beltane" to comfort the Fae. These small tiny yellowish flowers carry a strong pundgunt smell.

* Frankincense(tears, resin)*

Grown in the Middle east. when a "Frankincense tree is cut" the sap makes 'tears", hence the name. Burn to raise vibrations, to purify your Magical working area. Burn during sunrise rituals of all kinds. Mix with Cumin for a powerful protective incense useful for all general workings. There is NOTHING that smells like it, soapy, sensual and the smoke is thick and white.

* Hawthorn Berries *

Also known as the May tree, the Hawthorn tree is sacred to the Druids. The small berries are wrinkled and red and perfect for adding to your Beltane altar for May day offerings. Add to amulets for power & strength of the ancient Druids.

* Hops *

Wonderful in healing sachets and incenses. A pillow of the dried white to gold "fruit" like buds, helps bring on sleep. String a bunch of the fresh buds and hang in bedroom of sick person, for inprovment in health.

* Jasmine *

Good luck in love and wealth. Aphrodisiac. Alleviates depression, and tension. Raises self-esteem. Opens the heart chakra and stimulates clarity of thought. Enables one to lucid dream, when it is used before sleeping. Mix with Lavender for the ultimate Dream Pillow.

* Juniper Berries *

Used with Thyme in Druid incense for visions. Juniper berries strewn at the door discourages thieves. The mature berries can be strung and hung in the house to attract love. Crush berries in a mortar to release their "pine filled" aroma, mix with cedar or pine needles for a wonderful "Winter Solstice incense" burn on charcoal tabs.

* Lavender Flowers *

Love, purification. Used in love sachets and incense. Put 2 handfuls of "Lavender Flowers"into a square of cheese cloth and tie with a white ribbon use this aromatic "washcloth" in place of your usual one. Lavender was thrown into Midsummer fires by witches as a sacrifice to the ancient Gods. Also used as an insect repellent.

* Lemon Grass *

Properties: Mercury, Masculine, Element Air Lemongrass planted around the home and in the garden it will repel snakes. It is also used in lust potions, as well as in an amulet to aid in developing psychic powers & divination, Add a handful of Lemon grass to your Tarot bag to keep cards attuned. Scatter the Lemongrass around table before Tarot or Rune reading.

* Life everlasting Flowers *

Purify, protection. Use in charm bags to keep young.Burn at Midsummer to honor the maiden. Bundle flowers with white ribbons and put under pillow to give sweet dreams.

* Mandrake (Americian)(Mayapple)*

Place in the home for a powerful protective charm. The roots are used in image magic, as the American version (Mayapple) and the European version, resemble the limbs of humans. Grind and sprinkle in cupbords & Book of shadows to keep away prying eyes.

* Marigold *

Magical attributes include prophesy, legal matters, the psychic, seeing magical creatures, love, clairvoyance, dreams, business or legal affairs and renewing personal energy. Be sure to gather your Marigolds for magickal workings at noon. A fresh Marigold flower can be worn to court for a favorable outcome of a trial. If you place Marigold in your mattress, you will have prophetic dreams... and if you place it under your mattress it will make whatever you dream come true. Since the Marigold embodies the sun, it can make a person more attractive and confident. Add Marigold to your bath water to make this happen. A vase of fresh and bright Marigolds in a room brings a renewed surge of life to those in the room. The leaves can eaten as a salad and a yellow dye has also been extracted from the flower, by boiling.

* MiloBerries (Pink) *

These tiny berries are clustered on stems & about the diameter of a tomato seed. Bright HOT pink these berries are perfect for Faery magic, Friendships spells and Peace rituals.

* Mistletoe *

Protection, love. Wear as a protective amulet. A good anti-lightning charm.Extinguishes fires. Hang Mistletoe and kiss the one you want, hence "Kissing under the Mistletoe.

* Mugwort *

Clairvoyance, Scrying, Protection.
Rub this herb on "Magic Mirrors" and "Crystal balls" to strengthen their powers. Add to scrying, clairvoyance and divination incenses.
Use 3 tablespoons to 1\2 gallon spring (or rain) water
to cleanse your "Magical mirrors" crystals and stones. It is used in magic as a love-divining herb. To experience interesting dreams that are said to reveal one's future, stuff a pillow with about a pound of this herb and sleep on it. The Indians used a decoction of the leaves for colds, bronchitis, rheumatism, and fever, and a poultice for wounds. The fresh juice is used to ease the itch of poison oak. To cure a headache, stick a leaf up your nose.

* Mullein the "Candlewick Plant" *

A truly magical herb, this plants texture is like wool or cashmere, extremely soft and fuzzy. I just had to include a pic. Hope you can tell from the photo (scanned) just how textured it is. In the olden days folks would use the dried leaves as "Candlewicks", hence the name. The shape of the leaf resemble a candle flame. They burn similar to cotton. I use these leaves in "Remembrance Rituals" at Samhain. One is burned for each soul remembered. They burn quite unusual, as the flame creeps up the maine stem. " Nick name's Hag's tapers, Feltwort, Candlewick Plant. Carry to keep animals away from you in the woods. Wear to instill courage. The powdered leaves are know as "graveyard dust" and are acceptable to use when such is called for in old recipes". A must for a "witches garden"

* Myrrh (resin) *

Myrrh is used in magick for protection, peace, exorcism, healing, consecration, blessing, meditation and heightening spirituality. As an incense Myrrh can be used to help deepen mediation and to aid contemplation. Myrrh can be used in any ritual to the Goddess Isis, since Myrrh is a Goddess plant of the moon's sphere and is sacred to Isis. Myrrh can also be burned so that its smoke can purify and protect an area, and the smoke can also be used to consecrate and bless objects like rings, amulets, and ritual tools.

* Oak Moss *

A natural wonder, Oak Moss belongs to the element Earth, growing on barks of trees, with a gray suede like appearance. Use this sweet smelling “moss” in Prosperity spells, Gnome magic and spells to Mother Earth. Use in “Witch Bottles” for home & business. Oak Moss attracts Male lust, placing a sachet of Oak Moss in bra When MALE lover is near. A natural scent “fixative” use in incense blends and magical potpourri’s, it will help “hold” scent.

* Olive Leaves *

Healing, health & peace. The Olive leaf has long been used to symbolize peace, hence the saying “extending an olive branch in peace”. Use in spells to calm and quiet a quarreling home. Use after performing a house blessing or “spring” cleaning. Strew about home under doormats, corners of room’s etc. Add 9 Olive leaves to spring or rain water, soak for 3 days, strain and use as blessing water for house blessings, magic circles. Place olive leaves & wine in Chalice as altar offering.

* Passion Flower *

Passion flower is a vine and should be planted where it can climb. uses in protection and love magick. When Passionflower is used, it calms and brings peace to the home. You can sprinkle dried or fresh Passionflower over the doorsteps of your house or apartment to keep harm away. If you carry some of the herb in an amulet bag, you will make friends easier since it will work to increase your personal charisma making you more attractive and more likable. Place Passionflower in a dream pillow and it will help you get a good nights sleep. place it in power bundles and use in love spells to attract love. You can also burn it as an incense to promote understanding.

* Pennyroyal *

Put in the shoes to prevent weariness. Add to summer incenses and to prevent getting lost in the woods. Tie it to your bedpost for, not only does it keep mosquitos away, but it is said to make one more aware and alert, and increase brain power Brings peace between husband and wife when kept in a small bowl on a table or a dresser in the home.
Carry Pennyroyal when traveling by water and never know the pangs of seasickness

* Rose *

Rose is known as *THE* herb of love. Add Rose bud petals to bath water to conjure up a lover. Put red Rose petals in a red velvet bag and pin this under your clothes to attract love - or you can wear Rosehips as beads to bring love to you. Rose oil and Rose incense are both used in love spells. If you wash your hands with Rose water before mixing love potions, the potions will be stronger.

Different color Roses have different meanings so you can use Roses to give someone a message magickally. These are what the different Rose colors mean:

~ Red ~ I love you
~ White ~ I love you not
~ Yellow ~ I love another
~ Moss ~ I admire you from afar
~ Pink ~ My love for you is innocent
~ Orange ~ I love you vigorously
~ Amethyst ~ I will love you forever
~ Wild ~ I love you because you are fair and innocent

* Rosemary *

Wear a chaplet of Rosemary to aid in the memory. A good protective sachet for boat and ship passengers. Make a fresh wreath of rosemary for protection, hang in the home. Burn Rosemary and Juniper for a recuperation incense. Use for rememberance in Samhain rituals.

* Sage (White) *

Burn to purify a ritual area or magical tools. Used as a main ingredient in"Smudgesticks"and "herb bundles". Put in with "Tarot" cards or "Runes" to protect and keep clean. Sage is used for fertility, longevity, wishes, wisdom, protection, money attraction, purification, healing, and health magick. Sage that is being gathered for magickal use should not be cut with a metal knife known as a Boline. It is said that if you eat Sage you will become more wise and also immortal. Sage is often an herb used at handfastings since it will help bring about a long life and domestic virtue for the happy couple. Sage can be added to almost any healing spell. A good healing amulet may be made by putting a clove of Garlic, a bit of Eucalyptus and Cinnamon, two pinches of Sage and one pinch of Saffron into a small blue bag. This bag can then be worn or carried to promote healing. Sage can be used for attracting money and for wish manifestations.

* St.Johnswort *

Depressed? see St. Johnswort. Now in many herbal remedies. Noted for its calming effect, valuable for nervous disorders such as insomnia, depression and bedwetting. The oil has remarkable soothing and healing action when rubbed into painful joints and strained muscles. Celtic traditon held that the druids wore it in battle for invincibility. Burn to excorcise negative spirits. Make a tea with 1 tablespoon to 8 oz of water,for a stronge antidote for depression.

*Sun Flower Petals *

Sunflower belongs to the Sun, it’s gender is male (God) and belongs to the element Fire. Magical uses are Fertility, Health and Wisdom. Powerful flower to use on Sunday as an offering to the God for home as well. Use for May day & Beltane offerings and charms

* Thistle (Blessed) *

Thistle has great value in protection spells and also is used to bring spiritual and financial blessings. Thistle can be carried in an amulet bag for joy, energy, vitality, and protection - in fact men who carry Thistle become better lovers!. Thistle can be burned as an incense for protection and also to counteract hexing. Thistle powder can also be added to ritual baths to give added protection. Thistle can be grown in the garden to ward of those dreaded vegetable thieves, and a bowl of fresh Thistle will give off such good strengthening energies that it is the perfect thing to have in a sickroom.
Thistle is a wonderful material to use to make magick wands for spirit conjuring and magickal walking sticks. In England, the wizards of old were said to select the tallest thistle and use it as a wand or walking stick.

* Valerian *

Love, Harmony, Use in love spells and to keep fighting couples together. Use in a bath sachet for a calming effect. Valerian has been used to treat nervous tension and panic attacks
Use 1 tablespoon to 8 oz water for a calming tea. Wonderful for folks who suffer from "panic attacks".

* Wormwood *

Throw onto fires on "Samhain" to gain protection from bad spirits roaming the night. One of the major ingredients in "Absinthe" (see recipe) Burn in incense to raise spirits.

* Yarrow *

The witches herb. Love, Clairvoyance.Used in love sachets and marriage charms, as it has the power to keep a couple together happily for seven years. Worn as an amulet it wards of negativity. A tea made of1 tablespoon to 8 oz of water will enhance one's powers of perception. Held in the hand it stops all fear. The beautiful flowers are a welcome addition to any magical altar. Yarrow is nick named "A witches best friend".

= Note "Some" of the above herbal information was taken from
Scott Cunningham's "Magical Herbalism", D.J. Conway's "Celtic Magic"
"Earth Magic" by Claire Nahmad and "Victorian Grimoire" by Patricia Telesco
* Additional herbal information and recipes are Orignally Written by Barbara Morris © 1999-2002

Summer God Candle

Cut up nine sunflower petals (dried or fresh) into the tiniest pieces on wax paper
“Dress” a yellow or gold pillar candle in Sun oil or oil that corresponds to the sun
Roll candle into the pieces of Sunflower petals on waxed paper
Burn on a Sunday to attune to the Summer God vibration
~ PLEASE watch all dressed candles as they can catch fire. !!!
~ 2003 Barbara Morris

Something wicked this way grows...

"Flowers bloom as black as night
Removing color from your sight
Nightmarish vines block your way
Thorns reach out to catch their prey
And by the pricking of your thumbs
Realize that their poison numbs
From frightful blooms, rank odors seep
Bats and beasties fly and creep
'Cross this evil land, ill winds blow
Despite the darkness, mushrooms glow
All will rot and decompose
For something wicked this way grows..."
January = Wolf Moon
February = Storm Moon
March = Chaste Moon
April = Seed Moon
May = Hare Moon
June = Dyad Moon
July = Mead Moon
August = Wyrt Moon (green plant)
September = Barley Moon
October = Blood Moon
November = Snow Moon
December = Oak Moon

Keep in mind that new projects should be started when the moon is waxing (from dark to full). When the moon is waning (from full to dark) it is time for banishing and rejecting things we no longer wish to carry around with us. The three days before the new moon is known as the dark of the moon, this is a time to rest and recoup energy. Due to the rotation of the earth there are thirteen Full Moons, and each carries a traditional name.

= Celtic Tree Calendar =

Beth (Birch) Dec 24 = Jan 20
Luis (Rowan) Jan 21 = Feb 17
Nion (Ash) Feb 18 = March 17
Fern (Alder) March 18 = April 14
Saille (Willow) April 15 = May 12
Uath (Hawthorn) May 13 = June 9
Duir (Oak) June 10 = July 7
Tinne (Holly) July 8 = Aug 4
Coll (Hazel) Aug 5 = Sept 1
Muin (Vine) Sept 2 = Sept 29
Gort (Ivy) Sept 30 = Oct 27
Ngetal (Reed) Oct 28 = Nov 24
Ruis (Elder) Nov 25 = Dec 22
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