Digimon Attacks | ||||||||||
Digimon who are black have the same attacks it just you say blackhorn attack or what ever | ||||||||||
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Here is where i will post ur digimon attacks | ||||||||||
(number) means how much damage it does. All in training digimon-Bubble Blow(15) Agumon-Claw Attack(75) & Pepper Breath(90) Gabumon-Horn Attack(75) & Blue Blaster(90) Gomamon-Claw Attack(75) & Marching Fishes(90) Hawkmon-Beak Pecking(75) & Hawk Beaming(90) Renamon-Kohenko(75) & Dimond Storm(90) Salamon-Puppy Howling (75)& Petty Punch(90) Terriermon-Bunny Blast(75) & Terrier Twister(90) Wormmon-Silk Theard(75) & Sticky Net(90) |