January 30, 05 Writing more songs and improving the old, just keep intouch and we'll clue you in on whatever we do. November 30, 04 Fucking finally redid this site. I've been meaning to for fucking ages, I'm sorry. Here you go though. Oh yeah, we suck and need motovation still. July 29,04 We suck, we don't do shit. Nothing at all. Someone give us some fucking motivation. May 2, 04 You can download Come Mourning, Serotonin, and Monica for free at Hardcore Mp3 (hxcmp3com) Well it's two in the morning, so I guess it's technically May 3rd now, anway. I was bored so I decided to post some uodates.The show last week kicked major ass. Thank you to all the kids that came out and supported us. A big thanks goes out to All Dreams Fail with hooking us up with yet another show. Hopefully we can do the same for you guys soon. On a more serious note, we have decided to post-pone the release of our E.P. (La Muerte De Tu y Yo) because of internal problems within the band. There will most likely be a line-up change before our next show. Rumors are flying around like crazy and for the most part, they are probably true. We will probably post-pone the E.P. until we have enough songs for a full-length with the new album. We are not saying where the problem is because we have to tell the person... so hush hush! Besides I know he'll never look at our website anyway. April 15, 04 We are glad to announce that we will be playing a show at Warp Skatepark with All Dreams Fail and Suburban Crew. We will have 2 or 3 song demos with stickers for a buck or two.Come and check out the show! We're gonna tear that fucking place down!! P.S. Although we posted that we are done recording we still have a few fuck-ups to correct in Hanging In The Gallows... as soon as we fix it we will be relesasing our E.P. March 1, 04 Finished Recording! Finally after three months of going in and out of the studio we have completed our first e.p., tenatively call La Muerte de Tu. The tenative track listing includes: Serotonin Come Morning Just One More Winter Monica (feat. back up vox by Brian K. of All Drems Fail) Hanging In The Gallows Song A We may add an intro and outro (experimenting with keyboards and strings)and even maybe even an acoustic song if we have time to slap one together. The e.p. should be out probably in the middle of April. We are hopefully going to be playing a free cd release show in Algonquin, with All Dreams Fail, Silent Fighting, Flame Carpet Warhead, and possibly others... TBA. Dec. 11, 03 New News Recording is going good. We are almost done. Nick is recovering, his throat hurt alot, Kyle had the flu so he is also recovering. We are going into the studio again though. White Lies Under Grey Skies won't be on the CD though. We still need to improve that song. Look for it when we do though. we are still looking for shows to play, but hopefully they will come to us easier when our CD comes out. Nov. 22, 03 Recording We are currently in the recording studio, Seek Productions. It's a blast we recorded all of the songs we are going to put on our Ep. Now we just need to mix it right, and put in the lyrics to our songs. The songs recorded are; Just One More Winter Monica Hanging In The Gallows Come Mo(u)rning Song A White Lies Under Grey Skies We will hopefully be done within a couple months. We are going to make the CD's (cover, sound, CD case, and everything like that) as professional as possible. I'll keep you all posted on how and when you can get your copy. Sept. 27, 03 The Talent Show Tonight was good, but it made all of us want to play a show, real bad. We played one of our originals, Just One More Winter. A personal favorite to the band. Listen for it at one of our shows..... Whenever that may be.