One snowy October day, my future Love, drove into my life with out my knowledge. I wouldn't know about him for another month. I was away from home visiting a friend in North Dakota and my cousin and his new wife were on their journey to a new life in Montana from Wisconsin.

They had just gotten married and were expecting a new baby. When they were married a few days before their journey, my future husband stood up as best man in their wedding. I was looking in the wedding pictures and immediately felt a connection to him. My cousin talked to Mark on the phone quite a bit, so a few times I had to answer the phone and had a chance to talk to him. After a few calls we started talking to eachother more than my cousin. We really had some indepth conversations and had the phone bill to match it.

I had other family in the same town that Mark lived in and had been wishing for years to move back to Wisconsin to be near my family. My cousin and his very young wife were also missing their families and wanted to move back to Wisconsin, Montana had not been as fruitful as promised to them. So one December day we decided to pack up my Pinto stationwagon with as much stuff as we could and made our journey back east....Home.

I was going to move in with my family but when we got here I could not leave Marks side and we decided it was best I move in right away with him. A couple of weeks later, it was Christmas time. We were invited to spend Christmas Day with his family. His mother and I got to talking about family and she asked me my mothers name. When I told her, she almost fell off her chair. She told me she used to be friends with my mother, in fact, her and her husband used to play cards and hang out together with both of my parents. To top it off, Mark and I used to play together as kids! Mark and I got to talking, my memory isnt as good as his, but, he remembered a time playing at my house when he was about 4 yrs old and I was wearing a pair of rollerskates he wanted and tried to push me down the stairs to get them !!

Little did we know then we were destined for each other. As we were telling our story to others more things seemed to tell us we were meant for each other. My grandmother asked our address(she hadnt been to our apartment) when I gave it to her she told me she had lived in that very apartment 15 yrs before us. One day as I was in the basement doing laundry, I noticed some writing on the basement wall, my aunt had been writing names of everyone she knew on the wall. It felt very special to be in that house.

Another instance of our destiny, Mark and i were researching our family trees and visiting graves of our passed relatives, we went to Marks grandparents grave and I happened to look up because something caught my eye, it was my grandfathers grave not ten feet away from Marks grandparents graves. I know alot of this seems coincidental but to Mark and myself it isn't.

It is our destiny.

~*December 6, 1990*~


Please sign our guestbook so we know you were here

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