What I want to achieve in this series of lectures is to help you find a spirituality that works for you. I do not propose to sway you from your beliefs. If anything I hope to reanimate them and get you into a closer contact with whatever you perceive as a Supreme Being, Deity, or Higher Power. I didn't know what to believe, for I had been lied to and abused by those closest to me. I had seen the dregs of humanity and my view of the word was based on all of my negative experience. I only trusted what I could see, feel, and knew to be true. Everything else had to be proven to me. When I was at my lowest I had to humble myself and ask for help. I had to be willing to accept the help and do what others requested of me. I had to be willing to let go of old ideas, resentments, fears, and actions. Which came first…need or faith? Need. Without need there wouldn't be faith. It doesn't matter. If you believe, the need will be met. Not necessarily in the way you want, but it will be met. Experience teaches me that faith in God is never misplaced. I have always had exactly what I needed, when I needed it. Most of the time it is not what I wanted. The foundation of my faith was laid when I reached out for help and God answered my need. My walk with God re-established itself that night and it has become give and take. God gives and I take and I give and God takes. It is not necessarily in proportion. We do not keep score. Faith is only gained by experience. Experience is gathered over time, and with faith comes hope. Hope breeds more faith, and then we are suddenly seeking more experience to broaden our faith. I cannot tell you what to believe, but I can tell you that we all have to believe in something greater than ourselves. The best mentors in this area are people that have walked through the storm we call life and still see the wonder of God. Not one of these people has weathered the whirlwinds and lightning that assault us alone. God is always there. He will also put people in our lives to guide us when we lose our way. My faith is always widening and deepening as my understanding of it grows. My beliefs change when God shows me a new truth. I started many years ago to define my faith and I am still doing it. I doubt that it will ever stop. By faith in God, understanding our brothers and sisters and having compassion for them, may we be what He intended. I do not believe that God meant for us to become spiritual policemen to monitor the affairs of others. Monitoring our own affairs should keep us busy enough. Our priority is our relationship with God. I do not believe that it is God's will that I flog others with scripture and verse. For those who doubt anything spiritual unless it is accompanied by a deluge of scripture - I will quote scripture if necessary to make a point, but I think that those know God and Jesus might do better to maitain an open mind. You will see His teachings in what I pass along. For those that do not…look a little harder. |
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W. H. Lee Ministries, P. O. Box 223, Cedar Park, TX 78630 |
The reason most of you are here is to find yourself spiritually. I'll bet that some or all of you at one time or another has been confused, angry and even downright abused by some element of the church or religion. Going even further, I'll speculate that you've even been mad at God a time or two. I think it would also be safe to say that a few of you have even doubted the existence of God. I am pretty close to the truth aren't I? |
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