Who3D - About the Group

Welcome guys n gals. A quick introduction in to who we are and what we're about is probably in order - so here goes.

Who3D is an international collection of artists (3D, 2D, musicians and actors) who have gathered together on the internet both to re-create lost scenes from the history of Doctor Who and also to create completely fresh artwork based on the series. This should, in time, include both recreations of missing episodes and also our own brand-new fan adventures (all not for *sale*, obviously - this is fans doing what we enjoy and hoping that others will both enjoy our efforts and, perhaps, chip in with some of their own).

In addition to wanting to create interesting and appealing art based on Doctor Who, we're also hoping to help those who've got some skill and/or time to improve their skills and visiblity. Amazingly some people have created some wondeful pieces of art but haven't had any outlet for it - so it's remained on their own hard drives, unappreciated - hopefully we'll remedy that. Still others HAVE displayed their work, and also found copies of it floating around the net being attributed to other people... Noel's two TARDIS images (way below) being prime examples of that. We'll only include images which have actually been created by the team, and when we do so we'll attribute the major artists on the main site (at http://www.oocities.org/who3d/, hopefully setting the record straight.

We would like to stress, at this stage, that no formal approach to the BBC has been made; we are seeking to first recreate a "pilot" proof-of-concept version of a lost episode. Being talented amatuers and having limited time and resources, this is still some way off. We don't know how long it will take but we are going to continue working towards this goal regardless, whether it takes 6 months or five years (quality, not any commercial deadline, is our guide). However, we would welcome the BBC's views and comments at anytime, and will approach them once we have an episode "in the can" as if it were. We would enjoy working officially with the BBC, but currently we need more help (basically 3D artists) to make it a viable solution to the missing episodes situation.

What Who 3D are presenting here is a series of test images in *.jpg format, many not seen outside of the Who3D group until now, generated to show the progress to date. Please contact Gareth Parker if you'd like to republish any of these images anywhere.

If anyone feels that they can join with us, have been working towards a similar goal, etc. etc. we would love to hear from you. Please bear in mind that we cannot supply hardware or software towards anyone's efforts to help us - we're buying all of the hardware and software out of our own pockets. Contact us at the following email addresses:

Cliff_Bowman (who3d@x-stream.co.uk)

Gareth Parker (garethparker2000@yahoo.co.uk)

We all thank you for your interest to this point - just knowing that people are interested is great encouragement (the guestbook entries alone are worth their weight in gold).

For a few of these images we'll also supply the original render, before the image was tarted up (or should that be "tarted down"?) to look more like a 1960's TV image

1960's style As Rendered Comments
A re-created scene from "Evil of the Daleks".
The console room...in glorious techniblackandwhite.
As I update this site, Christmas is looming - but I rather think that The Doctor is being a little foolish in extending goodwil in this instance. I mean - would YOU invite the Daleks to YOUR Christmas party???
If these guys are a little hung-over then it just goes to show how wrong I was about inviting them to The Doctor's party. They even seem to have cleared away the resultant mess nicely...
...which is just as well because I think out First Doctor is feeling a little worse for wear, despite trying out a new suit and tie.
Now that one of our revellers has made it home, he's about to learn that you should ALWAYS invite your partner along to any bash :)
The search for lost episodes of Doctor Who continues - and even if the Blue Peter set has been checked before, it's often worth double-checking just to be sure.
A somewhat clearer (though B&W TV-ised) view of Danny's 1st Doctor console.
Just look at the detail on Danny's time rotor - even after it's been "gunged" to try and reduce the quality to something resembling B&W TV images!
A 4th Doctor era TARDIS...
...and a 4th Doctor!
A CyberMondasian - a work in progress.
A speed test of some new software (impressive speed for the quality).
Daleks at home in a 50's "future" Skaro.
Sometimes all this 3D work can REALLY take it out of you.
However, a quick holiday in a transcendental time/space craft...
...would recharge almost anybody's batteries :)
Some destinations are more clement than others...
...and for some, warm clothing is a definate necessity.

Additionaly, a quick tutorial on building up a scene's lighting to make it that much more impressive can be found here while a tutorial on "degrading" a scene to look like a 1960's TV image can be found here.

Briefly, for the record, the images on this page are mainly the result of work by the following artists: