Music. Art. Oddity. Microwave Lost Dog.
Welcome to one of the two best Whoaba pages on the net. The other one, our MP3.com page has more songs.
Well this one should be occasionally changing until that one great day when Whoaba gets another high bandwidth page.
click on the picture of Jane Seymour above to recieve Whoaba's first net released MP3, "Beat in the Land of Dreams"
Whoaba believes in File Swapping. The file above is licensed for free personal use, or distribution on File Sharing systems, or on webpages around the net. It is of Public Domain. Please take it, we love you. The song was created by Whoaba with guest Brian Kinney. Rights to the song and other Whoaba songs are owned by Wesley Molstad
Whoaba News. Updated infrequently. Click on Paul below(one of my idols) to check out what is going on with Whoaba.
email me by clicking on Jane below
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