
Pictures from Ancient Rome

The Colleseum, site of many gladitorial games
Ruins of the Roman forum, the center of the capital city of Rome
Typical Roman coins
The Roman forum
The arch, a technique mastered by the Romans
Picture depicting typical Roman armor
Gaius Julius Caesar
Octavian; Augustus Caesar: emperor at the birth of Jesus Christ
Tiberius, emperor during the ministry of Jesus Christ
Nero, emperor known for his persecution of Christians
Map of Roman empire at time of Trajan (at its greatest extent)
(click for larger map)
Jesus Christ, what history is all about
Marcus Aurelius, one of the "Five Good Emperors"
Trajan, another of the "Five Good Emperors"
Hadrian, another of the "Five Good Emperors"
Domitian, another of the "Five Good Emperors"
Nerva, another of the "Five Good Emperors"
Constantine: issued the Edict of Milan, established Constantinople as the new capitol of the Roman Empire
Arch of Constantine
Edward Gibbon: wrote a comprehensive history of the decline and fall of the Roman Empire
Hannibal, leader of Carthage in the 2nd Punic War
The Huns, under the leadership of Attila, pillaging Rome
Attila the Hun, scourge of God, destroyer of Rome