My stock portfolio is making me rich, and besides, those guys running are idiots with little difference between them, right?
Contrary to media-driven stereotypes, most Gen-Xers don't feel this way, and those who do are desperately in need of an education. Whyshouldivote.com is a place to learn, chat, vent, and demand a little more respect and attention from the politicians.
Why Should I Vote?
THIS WEBSITE IS AN ATTEMPT TO ANSWER THAT QUESTION. This website is for anyone interested in politics and culture, especially those with a free-thinking ideology, and who want to get engaged in the political process. However, this site is specifically geared toward those who belong to "Generation X", the media-labeled group of people under 35, who are also labeled apathetic and indifferent. This site is an attempt to shatter that image, showcasing the fact that this group has been misunderstood, and in many ways disenfranchised from the political process. It is an effort to show that those in this group are passionate and concerned about the world around us. This site will serve as an unbiased, independent, and objective voice for those who wish to transcend to political process, to not only have a better grasp of it, but to also actively increase their political participation and voter awareness.