In accordance with WI IV By-Laws Article XI Section 11.02, "All general membership meetings shall be conducted in accordance with Robert's Rules of Order, in compliance with the international By-Laws Article II Section 2.12."


   The local chapter meeting serves to acquaint the members with: actions of officers and executive board, activities of staff representatives, problems facing the chapter, and plans for the future.  It allows for democratic discussion and vote on where the chapter is going and the action it needs to take.  The meeting gives the chapter a sense of unity and purpose, which is then communicated both to other members and to other chapters.  One element of a successful meeting is orderly consideration of business.  This requires some rules.  The following paragraphs give the basic rules you need to know in order to properly take part in meetings.

   A member can speak at meetings just like everyone else, but that member must be recognized by the chair.  Raise your hand to signal the chair that you want to speak, then wait until the chair recognizes you by calling your name or pointing at you.  Only the person recognized by the chair may speak; everyone else must wait his or her turn.  By having only one person talking, we all get a chance to hear what he or she has to say.  When you speak, keep to the subject being discussed.  If the group is talking about raising money for P.E.O.P.L.E. you talk about the same thing.  Stay on the issue, or the chair will call you out of order.  "But how do I get my idea discussed?"  You do this by making a motion.

   Want something done?  Make a motion!  The motion is the most important tool you have at a meeting to get your ideas considered.  Motions can cover a wide range of actions - from routine business matters to major new activities by the chapter.  If major action is required, a good idea is not enough.  Big changes require time, effort, and often money, so you will have to convince others that your idea is a really good one.  Before bringing up your motion (in fact, before the meeting) it's a good idea to talk to your fellow members and officers of the chapter to get their suggestions.  At the meeting, to make a motion, raise your hand and get regocnized by the chair, then say,
"I move that we..." (telling the chairperson what you want done).  For example, you might say, "I move that we set up a convention committee" or "I move that the chapter hold a 50/50 at each regular meeting" or whatever it is that you would like done.  Before the motion is taken up, there must be a second.  Another member must be recognized and say, "I second the motion." A second to the motion shows that at least two people are interested in your idea.  Unless there is a second, the meeting will go on to other business; the chair will say, "Motion fails due to a lack of a second." If seconded, the chair will ask, "Is there any discussion?" Then you or any other recognized member may speak, but only on the motion.

   Heard enough?  Want to stop the discussion and move on?  Get recognized by the chair and say,
"I move we close debate." Sometimes people will say, "I move the previous question" or "I call for the previous question".  It all means the same thing - let's end debate.  As outlined above, there must be a second to close debate.  Next the chair will ask the people to vote on whether or not to close debate.  The vote must be carried by two-thirds of those at the meeting (remember, this is not a vote on the main motion; this is a vote to close debate).  After debate stops, there will be a vote on the main motion - "It has been moved and seconded that we..." After reading back the motion, the chair will say, "Those in favor say 'Aye'..." After hearing the "aye's", the chair will say, "Those opposed say 'No'..." Here, the simple majority rules.  The motion is either carried or defeated by simple majority.

   Sometimes, a motion isn't quite clear - you might want to add to or change part of it.  You can do this by amendment.  Again, be recognized by the chair and say,
"I move we amend the motion to..." (add, strikeout, substitute, etc.).  For example, if there was a motion to have the chapter executive board meet monthly, an amendment to that motion might be to have the executive board meet two hours prior to each regular membership meeting.  The job of the amendment is to make the main motion better, not to change it entirely.  If you don't like a motion, the best thing to do is defeat it, and then make another motion.  Don't try to do this by amending the motion, or the chair will tell you your amendment is out of order.  When it comes to voting, the amendment is voted on first.  If it passes, a vote is held on the motion which now includes the amendment.  If the amendment is not passed, then the motion is voted on without the amendment.  Very rarely, there is an amendment to an amendment that changes or adds to the amendment and the motion.  However, this can be very confusing.  When there is an amendment to an amendment, the chair might suggest a substitute motion (if everyone agrees) just to put it all into a single motion.  Don't worry about amendments to amendments - you can go for years without ever seeing one!

   Sometimes you don't want to decide yes or no.  You may need more time to get information, or you don't have enough votes and want to avoid defeat.  There are two ways you can delay a decision.  One - you can move to table the motion.  After being recognized by the chair, say,
"I move we table the motion." If there is a second, the chair will call for a vote without further debate.  When a motion to table passes, the main motion is put aside.  No action is taken and the meeting goes on to other business.  Two - you can delay a decision another way - by referring the motion to a committee.  Get recognized, then say, "I move we refer the motion to the ___________ committee." You can refer it to education, political action, or any other committee of the local, including the executive board.

   Sometimes you get confused at a meeting.  It can happen to anyone.  You are suddenly unsure of what's happening.  You don't have to just sit there and remain confused.  Get up and ask the chair,
"I rise for information." The chair will ask you what you want - then tell the chair your question.  A more serious issue occurs when, for example, there is a motion on the floor under discussion, and you feel that the member who has been recognized is not speaking on that particular motion.  In thesse kinds of cases, you can stand up and say, "I rise on a point of order." The chair will ask for your point and once you have explained ("The brother/sister is not speaking on the motion...") the chair must make a ruling.  Another problem may occur if the chair has made a ruling which you feel was clearly wrong.  If you are convinced that the error was in fact serious enough to justify some action, you may appeal - rise and say, "I appeal the ruling of the chair." The question of whether to uphold your appeal or to agree with the ruling of the chair is then put to a vote by the members.  Here, the members make the final decision.
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