~*~$HOUT OUT$ 2 AGP~*~
the most respected an loved -from wiccies side
first, the girls that have supported me throu it all
thug baby x3 and shygirl69-
The two OG's from AGP. No doubt i have much love to you both. You have brought so many friendships together and you also have taught many people hard lessons. I learned the lesson of kickin slob fools out of AGP-  the best lesson there is :) I have much love and support to the both of you.
Gyrl- Your 're tight and dont let anyone front with the men you pick. If you want to be with a man thats down with blood, then girl do whatever the hell makes you happy. I know you make the right choices so who gives a shit about all those haters. Stay up girl and keep strate.. Much luv
Hyna and Badgyrl-
You two are the main homegirls I talk with. I love you both and look up to you in more ways then one. I take your advice to the heart and try to be supportive back. I love chilling with you both and I thank you for all the times you have stuck by my side.
BGG and lil tru-
BGG u always have been tight with me and you are down to support me through whatever. You're one of my tighest girls and I'm glad to be chilling with you. Lil tru, you're an OG from AGP no doubt, and I hope you are  taking care of my boi east and taking care of yourself also. I miss talking with you girl. Im praying 4 U.
surena13 and GG-
We have had our times of beef, but i still have much love to both of you. I miss the old days though. I hope you both are doing alright and taking care of things.
Second the boys that have caused all the drama
Cody and Rafael (Jah Dawg)
an OG from AGP and an italiano from way over the world. Good mix here. two fine men that i get to make a shout out too. Thanks for always being there for me and listening to me. Thanks for always having my bacc, treating me with MUCH respect, and making me laugh all the time. I know both of U will be fine in the future cuz i already see much potential.
U alwayz bring a smile to me when i chat wit chu. You the only one that i get to chat with that looks for the positive in the negative. You support me and you give me the sweet compliments. You sometimes do, and truely, make my day so much brighter... thanks hun...
wasup chico.. keep your head up aite and take care your lil girl for me.. i wish u lucc when u go into the air force an im sure we will hook up an do somethin when u come down here for basic. is gonna be hotta then a mutha down here when u come down so i get some plans for us in cool areas. i sho u my homeboys an we can chill an cruise down with the gangstas.. u special to me aite.. take care yourself...
dee jah an smokey-
wasup u 2.. u two like the most controversial peeps i eva meet.. im down wit chall thou cuz im not gonna beef over lil things... just keep your heads up u kno an keep livin everyday to the fullest.. smokey.. raise lil pimp busta killa like a gangsta lol an dee jah.. hmm.. just live your life to the fullest cuz u only got one and there is pain when u got regret.. so smash your ish an move on... got madd love for u both..
much love to the blue, 13, and any other out there banging under blue.
thugs foreva~