<BGSOUND src="//www.oocities.org/wicheywoman/cheers_theme.mid" LOOP=INFINITE>
Handy Hints Pages

Cooking Hints

Use hot milk generously when preparing mashed potatoes and they’ll whip up light and fluffy.   Also, you can add about a tsp on Mayonnaise.  they become really creamy.

To make cappuccino at home, half fill a cup with brewed coffee, add 2
teaspoons sugar and vanilla ice cream to fill the cup.  Microwave until the ice cream is melted.  Mmmmm!!!

Give your bowl of instant oatmeal a richer, creamier flavor by stirring in a
heaping teaspoonful of non-dairy coffee creamer before adding hot water.

ust before serving vegetables, add a dash of lemon or lime juice instead of butter.   

If a dried bean soup recipe calls for tomatoe, lemon juice or vinegar, add it after the beans are tender.  Otherwise the acid in these ingredients will delay softening of the beans.
To keep your fingers from sticking to meatballs, dip your fingers into water
before rolling each one.

Add beer to pork dishes as you cook them.  It makes the meat more tender and it tastes good.  The alcohol cooks out.

To make a moist ham, empty a can of coca-cola into the baking pan, wrap
the ham in foil and bake.  Thirty minutes before the ham finishes, remove the
foil allowing the drippings to mix with the coke for great gravy.

Cut bacon in half before cooking and the strips will cook more evenly.

Tomatoes added to roasts when cooking will make them more tender.

Children's Corner

To keep from forgetting my child's refrigerated medication when we are visiting family or friends, I leave my car keys in the refrigerator next to the medication.

To teach a child the alphabet, buy a box of letter magnets. Beginning with "A", put a new letter on the refrigerator every day.  Then look for that letter in books, on food containers, etc.

To eliminate the "ouch" when removing adhesive tape or bandaids from your child's skin, saturate a piece of cotton with baby oil and rub over the tape.

Whether you scrapbook or not, make a yearly page for each child with that year's picture, favorite song, best friend, special achievements, etc.

         MORE TO COME.........CHECK BACK SOON.....
        music - Cheers Theme