<BGSOUND src="//www.oocities.org/wicheywoman/allelujah2.mid" LOOP=INFINITE>
Prayer list page
Prayer can and will change things.  Trust God with your whole heart.
Prayer requests received

Always remember Rita, Joann and myself as we try to go about our Father's business with our singing group. 

May 2006 - Cassie's boyfriend Justin took his own life this week. She is having a really hard time with his death.
November 2006 - Remember my cousin Angie - God knows all about her.

2005 -





The kids at school have finals coming up in the next few weeks.  Let's all pray for them that God will help with the stress that they feel during this time.

My daughter, who is now 16 years old, is planning to get her Driver's License next week.  Pray for her.  She says she wants God to help her get the right answers.  (I say she just needs to read the book more.)  Anyways,  and pray for me and Dad.  We're not looking forward to having our little girl out on the open road so soon by herself.   We know God will take care of her.

Michael Hoyt's grandmother has Osteoporosis.  Let's pray for all out elderly who have any kind of problems.  Arthritis, and many other diseases keep out folks from feeling as good as they could.


Rinda - Jenny ( from Florida), her sister has a large mass on her lung.  The doctor thinks its Cancer

Tina Coates Hill - Freda’s sister who had a brain aneurysm

Please remember my sister - Her husband passed away suddenly.  She has 4 small children.
If you have a prayer request that you would like to have added to this list, please email me at wicheywoman@yahoo.com   I will add it as soon as possible.  God bless.