This is the south door of St Mary's Church in Shrewsbury Centre. This church instantly became one of my favourites (to be honest I prefer churches cared for by the Churches Conservation Fund as they are generally very accessible and you don't have to wait for services to end - how very selfish of me). As you see, the door combines elements of Norman and Decorated styles, with Perpendicular visible on the clerestory behind. I had been to my sister's wedding at Castle Rowton and was dropped off in Shrewsbury centre, and had a few hours to myself, most of which I spent photographing this beautiful church.
Below is the famous 'Tree of Jesse' east window. This 14th century masterpiece was salvaged from a delapidated church nearbly and put in pride of place here by ardent Victorian clergymen (who else). The Tree of Jesse traces the mythical descendants of Jesse through the kings of Israel all the way through to the Virgin and Child. What is touching and amusing is how medieval the kings of Israel look, with their harps, crowns, robes and hairstyles we could be looking at the court of Edward III. It is a work of consumate artistry and I recommend it to anyone. I was left silently awed..