The Apron Mason

Don't you know the Apron Mason
he's a member of your lodge,
he's there at every meeting,
He's a man that you can't dodge.
He's a Past and then some Master,
for he's been through all the chairs
Knows the work from A to Izzard,
He's a shark at splitting hairs

He can give the lectures backwards,
sideways, sleeping, upside down.
He's a cyclopedic member ,
from his soles clean to his crown.
Obligations? Boy he eats them,
for theres not an oath so long
he cant reel off so sweetly,
as the lark it's morning song.

But you ask, Why the apron Mason?
Its a trait if you don't mind,
thats peculiar to each brother,
of the Apron Mason kind.
Oaths and all Masonic teachings,
( and here's what makes our critics scoff )
Are all forgot and left behind him,
when he takes his Apron off...

There was once an Apron Mason
who died - they sometimes do.
And he tried to gain admission
in the Temple of the Blue.
But the Tyler knew his failings
and promptly he said "no"
"You'll find the Apron Masons,
meeting in the hall below."