Welcome to Evan and Calum's pages dedicated to
The Wiggles
This is an Unofficial
If you know what are Yellow, Red, Blue & Purple, then you know who The Wiggles are. The Wiggles are four fun characters from Australia who have been entertaining children with song and dance for the past 14 years. Along with their friends Captain Feathersword, Wags the dog, Dorothy the Dinosaur & henry the Octopus they are loved all around the world. Want to know more, then read on
Anthony Field
Anthony sings and plays the guitar and drums. He wears a blue top. He loves eating, especially hot pototoes, cold spaghetti and mashed bananas. He loves having fun and joking around and has a mischevious face.
Click on the SITEMAP to find directions to Wiggly Photos, Fans, Party & Decorating ideas, Stationary, Colouring In pages, Wiggly Links, Cards, Knitting Patterns, Wiggly Crafts, Bookmarks, Wiggly Jigsaws & Ecards
Greg Page
Murray Cook
Jeff Fatt
Greg is the lead singer. He wears a yellow top and loves singing and dancing. Greg is also a magician and loves performing amazing magic tricks (even though they dont always work). Greg has a kind and smiling face.
Murray sings and plays the guitar. He wears a red top and pulls many funyn faces. He has an enormous grin which spreads from ear to ear. Muray is always making up Wiggly tunes on one of his many guitars.
Jeff plays the keyboards and wears a purple top. He is always falling asleep and you can usually wake him up by shouting "Wake up Jeff". He has lots of wacky grins
Free Guestbook from Bravenet 
The Wiggles Friends
Captain Feathersword is a friendly pirate who has a feather for a sword. He loves dancing and singing with his crew on his ship "The Good Ship Feathersword"  and tickling everyone with his feathersword. He has a coat with magic buttons and when he presses them he can sing in many different ways. You'll always hear him saying "Ahoy there me hearties" and "Blow me down!.
Captain Feathersword
Dorothy the Dinosaur
Dorothy is a big green dinosaur with yellow spots and a floppy white hat. Dorothy lives in her rose garden and her favourite food is anything made from roses. She is five years old and loves dancing, especially with her best friends the Wiggles whom she loves (especially Anthony, who she has a soft spot for). She is very kind and friendly
Henry the Octopus
Henry is an eight legged octopus. He wears tartan clothes, a straw hat & eight shiney shoes. He lives under the sea and is the leader of "The Underwater Big Band". Henry loves jokes and is very bubbly. He loves cooking, especially sea weed pie
Wags the Dog
Wags is a tall brown dog with floppy ears. He loves digging in his garden and playing with the Wagettes. He also loves to eat but when he's hungry he'll bark all day and night and keep everyone awake. The Wiggles can understand what he says when he barks. He's a great dancer and especially likes to Tango. Make sure to give Wags a great big wave if you see him.
Big Red Car
The Wiggles love to go for drives in their car, singing along the way. This car is so special that it runs on song, so the more you Wiggles fans out there sing along with them the more the guys can go for wonderful drives through Wiggle World
Officer Beaples
Officer Beaples keeps Wiggle World safe for The Wiggles and their friends
Flora Door
This is where The Wiggles lives. The door on the house is called Flora Door. She looks after The Wiggles house.
This is an unofficial Wiggles site and is in no way connected to The Wiggles Touring Party. If for any reason anybody is unhappy with the inclusion of any material on these pages, I will be willing to remove them.