Advertising Agency



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Customer Service:(801)504-2340
Email: wilbornitiadvertisingagency@yahoo.com

Advertising Agency

Wilborniti' Advertising Agency provides individuals, small companies, corporations, and/or multi Level businesses products and services to assist each to stand above the rest in the global corporate race for the best. We provide products and services to assist you and/or your company to be a leader in your market, and to achieve the advertising levels that you've dream of in the global market place.

With our State of The Art on Line ordering and delivery System, we deliver the most incredible products and services ever to you anywhere in the world. Simply click on the product or service that you want, decide and order the quantity that you need, make your purchase at our secure server, and we will get your products straight to you in a snap, just like you like it.

Visit us @ www.wilborniti.2ya.com

Today we have the following incredible services available for you!

1) Music Soundtrack Productions for Commercial, Film, and Motion Picture Productions - $1500.00

2) Video Productions for Broadcast Advertisement - $2500.00

3) Web Site Design Package - $1500.00

4) Company Logo Design - $500.00

5) Composition Soundtracks - $5000.00

6) Computerized Control Center System Design - $799.99

7) Credit Card Acceptance Accounts and Design - $399.99

8) Computer Systems - $899.99

9) Computer Software Design - $500.00

10) Accounts Receivable Packages - $500.00

11) Accounts Payable Packages - $500.00

12) Pay Roll Packages - $500.00

13) Internet Access - $49.99

14) Corporate Travel Packages (Weekly Per Employee) - $250.00 per week

15) Executive Corporate Living Packages (Weekly Per Employee) from $350.00 per week

16) Global Luxury Travel Packages - $2,000.00

17) Global Adventure Travel Packages - $3,500.00

Customer Service:(801)504-2340
Email: wilbornitiadvertisingagency@yahoo.com