Brown Thrasher
Coloring and Facts Sheet
Facts about the Brown Thrasher
The Brown Thrasher has a fox red back and heavily streaked whitish breast. This 11-inch bird is very conspicuous with its long-tail as it streaks across your backyard. A closer inspection of an adult bird you will see a yellow eye. Eyes on younger birds are light blue. The adult bird also has a long down-curved bill and both the male and female look alike. The male usually gives his concert from the top of a tree or shrub, head held high and long tail down. They like to nest in thickets and hedges. It likes to seize insects with its long, curved bill as it thrashes in dead leaves. It also makes a meal of salamanders, snakes, lizards, and berries and other fruits. Brown thrashers will make their nests anywhere from ground level to 14 feet above. They hide their bulky nests of twigs, grasses, and vines. They usually lay 4 pale bluish white eggs, marked with fine reddish spots for 13 days. Young leave the nest in about 2 weeks. You can attract Brown Thrashers by putting out seeds and suet mixed with cornmeal. They also like low shrubs, brush piles, and berry-producing plants.
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