
Coloring and Facts Sheet

Facts about the Goldfinch

An old name for goldfinches is wild canaries, and these golden birds do resemble the caged pets. The 5-inch-long males have buttery yellow bodies with gleaming black wings accented by white bars, and wear a jaunty black beret on their heads. Females are soft olive green and subdued yellow. Goldfinches prefer the open spaces of backyards and fields. They nest only once. In early spring, they feast on dandelion puffs; in summer, they swing from garden plants of cosmos and zinnias, and in between, they’re regulars at the feeders.To attract goldfinches, plant sunflowers, zinnias, tick seed, cone flowers, coreopsis, and dosmos. At the feeder, offer black oil sunflower seed and stock tube feeders with Niger seed.

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