Red-bellied Woodpecker
Coloring and Facts Sheet
Facts about the Red-bellied Woodpecker
The zebra-backed, 9-inch male red-bellied woodpecker has a bright red crown and nape, a white rump, and white patches on the outer wings. The female is similar, but only her nape is red. Red-bellied woodpeckers do have a reddish wash on the lower belly, but it is difficult to see. The woodpecker lives in forests, orchards, gardens and backyards with mature trees. They like to eat wood-boring insects, beetles, crickets, and flies; acorns and other nuts that may be cached for winter use. Citrus fruits and juice are favorites, too. Male and female work to dig a nesting cavity 5 to 70 feet above the ground in a tree, utility pole, or building. The 4 or 5 pure white eggs are incubated by both parents for 14 days. The young are on the wing in 3 1/2 weeks. You can attract Red-bellied woodpeckers to your yard by putting out suet, sunflower seeds and cracked corn. It may use a birdhouse if you build it 6 by 6 by 14 inches high with a 2 1/2-inch hole and place it 12 to 20 feet above the ground.
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