Song Sparrow
Coloring and Facts Sheet
Facts about the Song Sparrow
The Song Sparrow is the most widespread of all North American sparrows. The 6-inch song sparrow has a brown back and a heavily streaked breast with a large central breast spot. Male and female look alike. They spend alot of time on or near the ground where there is an abundance of natural cover. They like to get insects from the ground; they also feed on a variety of seeds, berries, and other fruits. Their well-hidden ground nest of the Song Sparrow is built by the female in 5 to 10 days, using grasses , weed stems, and leaves and a lining of fine grasses, root lets, and hair. The 3 to 5 greenish white eggs, heavily dotted reddish brown, are incubated by the female for 12 or 13 days. The youngsters are out of the nest, often before they can fly, in about 10 days. Offer the Song Sparrow birdseed at a ground feeder and place some water nearby and they’ll flock to your yard. Planting a few berry producing bushes also attracts the sparrows.
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