Radio Stations
Show your support for Sebastian & Friends by e-mailing or calling your local radio stations and requesting the two singles ROCK 'N' ROLL & SUPERJERK from Sebastain's first solo album BRING 'EM BACH ALIVE!!! All you gotta do is click the link to the station nearest your or the one you like to listen to on-line and request the songs via the internet!!! How easy is that shit?! Now

We can use all the help we can get here!!  If you dont see any of your local rock radio stations listed here,, please send us any information you have on them ( even if it is only the call letters and dial setting), and we will throw them up!!

E-mail us :
 Nae  or  Wildchild



104.1 WBCN Boston or email WBCN DJ Nik Carter

107.3 WAAF Boston

100.5 The Katt Oklahoma City   email DJ  Jake Daniels

 KILO 94.3 Colorado email KILO DJ  Don Jantzen

 'The Bear' 98.9 Fort Wayne IN   e-mail 'The Bear'

 WDHA 105.5 Cedar Knolls NJ

 'The Fox' 99.3 Vancouver

 E-mail CFMI Rock 101 Vancouver

 94.1 WJJO Madison WI

 94.1 WHJY Providence RI    e-mail The Doctor

 T-95 Wichita KS   e-mail Driver

 100.1 WKQQ Lexington KY  e-mail Insomniac

 DC 101 SilverSpring MD  e-mail Kevin

 93.3 KNSX St Louis MO    e-mail KNSX

 Z 106.7 Jackson MS    e-mail John

 94.5 WXRA Winston-Salem NC

 KRAB 106.3 Carson City NV    e-mail Danny

 95.7 WAQX Syracuse NY    e-mail Alexis

 97.5 WONE Akron OH    e-mail WONE

 101.1 KUFO Portland OR    e-mail Bruce

 95.1 WZZO Allentown PA    e-mail Blake Dannen

 102.5 WDVE Pittsburgh PA    e-mail Sean McDowell

 93.3 WMMR Philadelphia PA

 94.1 WYSP Philadelphia PA

 96 Rock Atlanta GA    e-mail Alan

 97.1 The Eagle Dallas TX    e-mail The Eagle

 99.9 KISW Seattle WA

Thanks to Denise ( what makes me smile? ) for the WMMS link (unfortunately, they went out
of business, recently, but what can ya do), Dawn for the WJJO lnfo and Crystal for the Vancouver radio station links.
And even more  thanks to Leah for the Phidelphia links :), Juan (now go give em' hell ) for the
96 Rock link, and Nikhil for helping me find the 99X Atlanta link ;)
and Cheryl for the 98rock addy.