I finally got off my lazy ass and (with the proding of several people) put together the GAMECUBE portion of the Kiosk! I opened the box containing the GC and all the essential kiosk parts and to my surprise the GC is "tiny"! NO you don't understand; I mean "tiny"! This is the smallest console outside the new version of the PS1. It will pretty much fit in the palm of your hand! The disks are about 4 times bigger than a silver dollar (maybe not that much bigger)! Unbelievable! It took me 2 point 2 seconds to put the GC together and I spent most of the time pulling people over to fondle the dam thing. NO ONE COULD BELIEVE HOW SMALL THE GC IS!

After getting this thing up and running the next thing to do was to test the controller. I will say the handles feel great. The controller is at the other extreme of the XBOX (meaning it's very small). I have small hands and it was even kind of on the smallish side for me. "I guess I was meant to play PS2 my entire life"! I enjoyed the main analog and found it to be in a very comfortable spot however the arrow pad below it was so tiny I could not understand how I would munipulate it. I HATE arrow pads anyway and think all gamers should be weaned from it all together! So I really don't care that it's small. The shoulder buttons are grooved and fit your index fingers great while I do have a problem with how there are two shoulder buttons on one side and only one on the other (balance Nintendo balance my friends). Now to the face buttons. At first I was baffled how they could make the face buttons different sizes but in the end they pulled it off quite well. Lastly I will say I did not like the right analog (camera) stick! I thought the head of it was way too small and I also thought that it was slippery. Could you imagine Big Thorough smashing down some greasy ass chips then slamming his big mits on a GC controller? That is enough to lay that little stick to rest (no more camera).

Lastly I was able to put in some good time with Luigi's Mansion and the Star Wars flight game. The resolution was crystal clear and the control seemed pretty good. We had Star Wars in the PS2 right next to it and running at the same time. They both displayed some great graphics and in the end everyone I asked for their opinion said that the GC put the PS2 back a notch but couldn't touch the XBOX. I personally didn't get the wow factor that I thought I was going to get while looking at the visuals but this is only the first batch of playables and lets face it Luigi's Mansion is not the showcase game for the system. So visually I'd have to say the faster beefier XBOX wins out from just what I've played. I had about 6 people right beside me and all gave the not to the XBOX but 2 still planned on getting the GC. [side note the preview for NBA on GC looked Dreamcastish but it was ONLY a demo, no one was impressed by that clip and frankly I don't think Nintendo should have put that on there--it's obviously and early build].

In closing I think NINTENDO has put together a really nice straight forward gaming system. They have put in all the right slots for adding online gaming. They have a very workable and precise controller and the system is so small you can definitely find space for this system in your collection.

In this gamers TOTALLY HONEST OPINION, I don't think you can go wrong with any of the systems (cept the dead Dreamcast). I think the PS2 will hang around due to its user base and the cool games it has out and coming out. They still have more graphical power to squeeze out of that system. I also think the GC will be very proficient during the holidays and beyond. Lets face it Nintendo has the games that we grew up on and with those licenses, unlimited sales will follow. XBOX-for you graphic whores-will satisfy until the next big system comes out (who knows when) and it's more than just flash and dash but may or may not reach the masses the way Sony and Nintendo have proven in the past. It should be an interesting holiday season and I think all 3 will survive for quite some time to come. Each one has their market and has the games and it comes down to what games you can't sleep without. Everyone knows I have PS2 and I'm getting XBOX, but what none of us know is how crazy I'm going to get when Metroid Prime comes out for GC! "Not now honey I have a headache, must get to blockbuster and rent GC and Metroid; must have Metroid"!

Thank you for reading this. Any comments can be posted in the new forum (Spout Off)! Now dammit go test out the new systems and make your own choice!