A few sailing terms that you should probably know. The ones in bold are very useful.

ABEAM--Any location either side of the boat, located on a line at right angles to one running from the bow to the stern.

ABEAM REACH -- also referred to as Beam Reach. Sailing with the wind from abeam. [SEE FIGURE 2]

AHEAD--In front of.

APPARENT WIND--Wind felt on a moving vessel

ASTERN--Behind or backwards.

BACKWIND--To hold the mainsail or jib off to the side to cause the wind to blow onto the backside of the sail.

BAIL--To remove water from a boat by hand.

BATTENS--Long, thin, narrow strips of wood (or other strong substance) that are placed in pockets sewn perpendicular to the leech of a sail and are used to hold the leech out beyond the imaginary line between the head and the clew. Without these, the roach would flutter without any tension. [SEE FIGURE 1]

BEAM--The greatest breadth of a boat.

BEAM REACH -- sailing with the wind coming from abeam. My be called "Abeam Reach" [SEE FIGURE 2]

BEARING OFF/AWAY--Altering course away from the wind on any course from head to wind until the boat begins to gybe.

BEAT--To sail towards the direction from which the wind blows by making a series of tacks while sailing close-hauled.

BLOCK--A pulley through which a line passes. (i.e. a mainsheet block)

(the) BOAT – the end of a starting line that is denoted by the committee boat.

BOOM--Pole or spar attached to the mast to which the foot (lower edge) of the sail is fastened.

BOLT ROPE--Rope sewn into the luff and foot of sail for attaching to the mast and boom. [SEE FIGURE 1]

BOOM VANG--A wire or rope running from the boom to or near the bottom of the mast which holds the boom down.

BOW--Forward part of the hull.

BOW PLATE--A plate that fits on the bow of the boat to which the lower end of the forestay is attached.

BROACHING— A situation while running where the boat suddenly leans to the leeward side, typically followed by the boat turning towards the wind, or the boat flipping. Also see "Death Rolling"

BROAD REACH--Sailing with the wind coming from any direction from abeam to on the quarter (side of boat near stern, but not the transom) [SEE FIGURE 2]

BY THE LEE--Sailing before the wind with the wind coming from the same side that the boom is on.

CAST OFF--To let go.

CENTREBOARD--A fiberglass or metal blade projecting through the bottom of the hull in center. One of three types of things which attempt to prevent the boat from side-sliding . This term usually implies that the blade pivots back to raised (like on the 420s); however, some call "dagger board" style centerboards as simply centerboard as well.

CENTREBOARD LINE--A rope or wire attached to the top of the centerboard with which it is raised or lowered.

CENTREBOARD TRUNK--Watertight housing to protect the centerboard when it is raised.

CHORD – an imaginary straight line from the luff to leach parallel to the line from the tack to clew. See "Camber". [SEE FIGURE 1]

CAMBER – a curved line following the curvature of the sail from starting point of a chord on the luff, to the ending point of the same chord on the leech, parallel to the ground (given the boat/mast is not leaning). Together these two things should form what looks like an airplane wing cross-section. [SEE FIGURE 1]

CLEAT--A formed fitting in wood or metal to which lines are made fast.

CLEW--The lower aft corner of a sail (where leech meets foot ) [SEE FIGURE 1]

CLOSE HAULED--Sailing close to the wind (sails all the way in). [SEE FIGURE 2]

CLOSE REACH--Sailing with sheets eased and the wind forward of the beam (sails out from all the way in). Between Close Hauled and Beam Reach.

COMING ABOUT--Changing tacks by heading up, bow into the wind and past head to wind on the other tack (tacking) (can be called "Helms-a-lee").

COVER - To try and stay in a position where you control another boat, and give them bad air.

CUNNINGHAM--Line passed through a grommet in the luff of the sail used to flatten the sail by tightening the luff.

CUNNINGHAM GROMMET – the grommet in the sail that the cunningham passes through. [SEE FIGURE 1]

DAGGER BOARD--A type of centerboard that slides up and down in a vertical slot.

DEAD DOWN WIND -- to sail a boat exactly 180 degrees from the direction of the wind. Not supported by all boats. Most boats going dead-down-wind typically go "wing-on-wing". [SEE FIGURE 2]

DEATH ROLL- A situation while going downwind where the boat suddenly leans to the windward side of the boat, and the boat tries to turn further down-wind (or beyond). Almost always results in flipping of a small boat, or laying boat completely on its side in a large boat (until the main is forced to gybe).

DECK--The horizontal top on the hull.

DINGHY--A small handy rowing boat, sometimes rigged with a sail. (Some jokingly use this for a small centerboard sailboat ).

DOWNWIND--In the direction the wind is going. A boat sailing downwind is running with the wind.

DRAFT--The depth of water to a vessel's keel.

EASE THE SHEET--To let the sheet out.

FAIRLEAD—The fitting that guides the jib or genoa sheets.

FETCH -- The ability to sail to the desired location in a close-hauled fashion without tacking. [SEE FIGURE 2]

FALL OFF -- Altering course away from the wind on any course from head to wind until the boat begins to gybe. OR something a skipper or crew should not do while sailing.

FOOT--The bottom edge of a sail from Tack to Clew. A loose foot is a foot that is not secured to the boom in a sail slot or by hanks. [SEE FIGURE 1]

FORE AND AFT--In the direction of the keel (or centerboard)

FORESTAY--A wire running from the upper part of the mast to the bow of the boat.

FULL LENGTH BATTEN – a batten that runs from the bolt rope in the luff to the leech. This allows you to extend the leech further aft than a standard batten, due to increased support from being (in effect) connected to the mast. Most boats that have only 1 full batten (if any) at the highest batten position; however, some boats designed to maximize sail area could have more, or just use full length battens (like the "Tornado") [SEE FIGURE 1]

GATE – what the starting line / finishing line is called when it is not being used as a starting line or a finishing line. Sometimes you must sail through this, other times you must not sail through it. It depends on the particular rules of the race.

GENOA--A very large jib that overlaps the mainsail considerably (AKA >100% Jib). Usually any Jib whose foot is longer than the distance from where the forestay and bow meets to the mast.

GYBE--To go from one tack to the other when running with the wind coming over the stern. Some also use this term to refer what tack they are on going downwind. (I.e. Port Gybe is an unofficial way of saying Port Tack WHEN broad reaching or running)

GOOSENECK--Hinged fitting on the mast which connects the boom to the mast.

GROMMET--A ring sewn into the sail through which a line can be passed. See Cunningham Grommet[SEE FIGURE 1]

GROOVE – the optimum direction from the wind to get the best velocity made good (AKA where the boat is performing best when going up wind). Also a skipper/crew can said to be in the groove when they are functioning well with the boat.

GUDGEON--The rings which, with pintles, make up the hinge assembly for the rudder.

HALYARD--A line used to raise the sail.

HAUL (in)--To pull (in).

HEAD--Uppermost corner of a sail (or the toilet) [SEE FIGURE 1]

HEADING UP--Turning closer to the wind, up wind.

HEADSTAY – see forestay

HEADWAY--Moving ahead.

HEEL—the lean of the boat towards one side or the other due to wind and crew placement.

HELM--The tiller.

HELMS-A-LEE --Changing tacks by heading up, bow into the wind and past head to wind on the other tack (tacking) (can be called "Coming About").

HELMSMAN--The one who steers the boat (AKA skipper)

HIKING STRAPS--Straps to hook toes under in cockpit to move the weight further out of the boat

HULL--The actual body or shell of the boat.

IN IRONS--When a tack is not completed and the boat stalls out with the bow pointed directly into the wind. [SEE FIGURE 2]

INSHORE--Toward the shore.

JIB--A triangular sail at the bow of the boat.

100% Jib – a jib whose foot is exactly the length from where the forestay meets the bow to the mast. Any other percentage of jib is what percentage of the previous length the foot measures. (IE if a jib is less than 100%, it’s foot is shorter than the length from the forestay/bow to the mast, if it is larger than 100% it is longer and called a Genoa).


JIB SHEET--The lines that lead from the clew of the jib to the cockpit and are used to control the jib.

KEEL--A fixed centerboard, usually found on larger sailboats (usually containing weights to help offset the heel caused by the larger sails)

KNOCK--A wind shift that forces a boat to sail below its mean wind course.

LEECH--Aft edge of a sail (trailing edge) [SEE FIGURE 1]

LEEWARD--The direction away from the wind (opposite of WINDWARD).

LINE--A rope with any sailing use (the painter is the only questionable example)

LIFT--A wind shift that allows a boat to sail above its mean wind course.

LUFF – the foremost part of the sail [SEE FIGURE 1]

LUFFING--When the forward part of the sail is fluttering.

LUFF UP--To steer the boat more into the wind, thereby causing the sails to flap or luff. (on purpose)

MAINSAIL (or Main Sail) --The sail set on the mainmast.

MAINSHEET (or Main Sheet)--The line that controls the angle of the mainsail in its relation to the wind.

MARK – a floating (or sometimes fixed) object that you sail around in a race. Denoted as windward mark, offset mark, leeward mark, gybe mark

MAST--The vertical pole or spar that supports the boom and sails.

MASTHEAD--The top of the mast (on larger boats can find wind speed and direction equipment, or on

smaller boats, sometimes can find mud).

MAST SLOT/GROOVE--(also called sail slot) the opening up the back (aft) edge of the mast in which the mainsail luff rope slides when it is hoisted. Some masts have an external sail track.

MAST STEP--The fitting in the bottom of the boat in which the bottom or heel if the mast sits. (on some boats it is adjustable to effect the rake of the mast)

ON A TACK--A boat is always on one tack or the other; that is the main sail is always on one side or the other, except when in irons) [SEE FIGURE 2]

OUTHAUL--A line used to haul out the clew or after corner of a sail on the boom to tighten the foot of the sail.

OVERTAKING--Passing another vessel.

PAINTER--A rope/line secured in the bow of a small boat, used for tying up or towing.

Parts - the multi-line system between blocks and/or tackels.

PIN – the mark / floating object that denotes the end of the starting line that is not the boat

PINCH--To sail too close to the wind so that the sails start to luff.

PINTELS --Pins which, with gudgeons, make up the hinge assembly for the rudder.

PLANE--When a sailboat rises up on its own bow wave and reaches speeds far in excess of those normally experienced. Usually includes a noticeable hum and vibration.

PORT--The left-hand side of the boat as you face the bow.

PORT TACK--The tack a boat is sailing on when the wind is coming over the port side.

PUFF--A sudden burst of wind stronger than what is blowing at the time.

RAKE--The angle of a vessel's masts from the vertical.

REACHING--Sailing across the wind or any course between close-hauled and running (close, beam, broad).

READY ABOUT--An expression used to indicate that the boat is about to tack.

REEF--The rolled up part of a sail, tied with the reef lines, that is used to reduce sail area for heavy winds.

RIGGING--A general term applying to all lines, stays and shrouds necessary for spars and sails.

ROACH – the part of a sail that extends beyond an imagery line between the head and clew. [SEE FIGURE 1]

ROLL TACK – a technique of tacking where the boat is allowed to heel just before the tack, go head through the wind, allowed heel on the side, then the crew brings the boat flat. Helps you to not lose as much headway as simply tacking.

RUDDER--A movable flat blade hinged vertically at the transom of a boat as a means of steering. It is controlled by a tiller or wheel.

RUNNING / RUN--Sailing with the wind coming from behind the boat with the sail out at right angles to the wind. [SEE FIGURE 2]

RUNNING RIGGING--The part of a ship's rigging which is movable and reeves through blocks, such as halyards, sheets, etc.

SAILING BY THE LEE--Sailing on a run with the wind coming over the stern from the same side as the boom (danger of gybing).

SECURE--To make fast; to make safe.

SHACKLE (or Shackel) --A U-shaped piece of iron or steel with eyes in the ends, closed by a shackle pin.

SHEET--A line that controls the angle of the sail in its relation to the wind.

SHOVE OFF--To leave; to push a boat away from a pier or vessel's side.

SHROUDS--Wire side stays running from the upper part of the mast to both the starboard and port sides of the boat. The forestay and shrouds form a triangle which supports the mast in an upright position.

SIDE SLIPPING--When the boat is moving sideways (to leeward) (what a centerboard/keel tries to prevent, but is not 100% efficient, if you ignore current).

SLACK--Not fastened; loose. Also, to ease off.

SLOT--The gap between the jib and the main sail through which the wind is funneled.

SPREADERS--Poles used to push the shrouds outboard.

SQUALL--A sudden and violent gust of wind often accompanied by rain.

STANDING PART--The fixed part of a rope--the long end, when tying knots. The non-moving part of a multi-part system for mechanical advantage (if it exists). (Ask if you really want to know)

STALLING--The turbulent effect of air on the lee side of a sail when trimmed in too far.

STARBOARD--The right side, facing the bow from aft.

STARBOARD TACK--The tack a boat is sailing on when the wind is coming over the starboard side .

STAYS--Rigging that supports the mast, (shrouds, forestay and back-stay.)

STERN--The aft (back) part of a boat.

STOW--To put in place.

SWAMP—(To sink by) filling with water.

TACK--Lower forward corner of a sail. [SEE FIGURE 1]

TACK -- see "on a tack"

TACKING--Turning from one tack to the other as the bow passes through head to wind. (Also called coming about)

TACKLE - a pulley that moves in an multi-line system. Can also be called a block.

TELLTALES--Ribbon or yarn strips attached to sails [or rigging] to indicate wind action [or direction].

TILLER--A bar used to control the rudder.

TILLER EXTENSION--Hinged extension of the tiller which allows the skipper to control the tiller while hiking or sitting forward.

TRANSOM--The portion of the stern to which the rudder is attached.

TRAVELER--Line which runs across the transom, and which the mainsheet travels on.

TRIM--To adjust the sail so that the wind catches it perfectly.

TURTLE--To tip the boat over so that the mast is pointing to the bottom of the lake (see masthead)

UPWIND--In the direction from which the wind is coming. A boat sailing upwind is sailing toward the wind.

VANG-- The usually multi-part line system that pulls the boom down without moving it toward the centerline.

WEATHER HELM--When the tiller has to be held off the center line and toward the weather side or wind to keep a boat on its course. (You wind up losing speed by dragging the rudder if this is the case)

WEATHER SIDE--The windward side.

WIND SHADOW--The area affected by the turbulent air from a sailboat's sails (AKA Bad Air)

WINDWARD--The direction from which the wind is coming.

WING ON WING -- Where the jib is flown on the opposite side of the main. Can be physically held out, or be held out by the use of a pole.

Questions? Comments? Revisions?

 REVISION 3: 3/21/00