will & grace




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[ when i'm feeling like there's no love coming to me, and i have no love to give. when i'm feeling separated from the world, and cut off from myself. when i'm feeling annoyed by every little thing, because i'm not getting what i want. i'll remember that there is an infinite amount of love available to me. and i'll see it in you. i'll remember that i am complete within myself, so I'll never have to look to you to complete me. and most of all, i'll remember that everything i really need i already have, and whatever i don't have will come to me when i'm ready to receive it ] - will & grace, 'coffee & commitment'.
[ when i'm feeling like there's no love coming to me, and i have no love to give. when i'm feeling separated from the world, and cut off from myself. when i'm feeling annoyed by every little thing, because i'm not getting what i want. i'll remember that there is an infinite amount of love available to me. and i'll see it in you. i'll remember that i am complete within myself, so I'll never have to look to you to complete me. and most of all, i'll remember that everything i really need i already have, and whatever i don't have will come to me when i'm ready to receive it ] - will & grace, 'coffee & commitment'.

will & grace.
willard & grace-ious.
wilma & gracie.
eric & debra.
call them what you like, any way - they're damn hilarious!
this site is dedicated to the comedic pair as characters
onscreen, and as actors offscreen. eric mccormack and
debra messing do brilliant work, which is evident on 'will
& grace'. here at 'the will & grace place', you will find
bios, quotes, images and other interesting stuff on
the talented duo. take a look around, and please
sign the guestbook!

10/6/02 thanks to matt for the new quotes!
2/6/2002 i added some new quotes... thanks 2 the buzz, u rock =)
22/5/2002 will & grace is finally back on in australia!
and guess what? not only do we get a new episode every sunday, but a repeat - last sunday we got the very first
episode of will & grace! (not the pilot, but the 1st ep)  anyway, it's good news!
24/3/2002 do you know what? will & grace
has stopped airing down in australia. so i don't
know what's going on, on the show. so it's
going to be difficult for me to update the site.
but i'll try my hardest.
23/3/2002 1 link added
25/1/2002 1 link added
10/1/2002 site re-opened

© copyright 2002
this is a 100% unofficial site