Book 1

Episode 2

Chapter 1: The Fight

Bras walked around the spaceship, looking for something to do. It was boring in the spaceship. Then suddenly he crashed into ariel! WHAM! "OWWWW!" ariel screamed "I challenge you to a fight!" bras said "of course." Ariel laughed "this is going to be FUN!!" then it begun! Ariel won all the rounds against timber. "HA HA HA HA HA!" she laughed. Then she won all the rounds against Jones. And laughed again. Then she won all the rounds against Drumstick. And laughed again. And then she won all the rounds against destra. then she battled bras. Bras thought that it would be easy to beat her, but she beat him in all the rounds. Suddenly, BOOM!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Chapter 2: Recomma

bras ran to the window, but their was no ship, only space. Destra grabbed the comlink "bearrd? Bearrd?" no answer. Bras ran to the pilots compartment, but saw no one. Bras searched the whole ship, but couldn’t find him.


bearrd looked around, he was in a cage and couldn’t find a way out. He was in a castle, or a ship. he had been captured by a snake called Recomma, who was very tricky and about as smart as he was. At least that’s what Recomma thought, he thought HE was the smartest. Recomma was a giant cobra. Recomma was watching him, then he said "I capture ALL cartoons. I am still looking for some, but I have a lot in this space castle" "then it is a castle!" bearrd said, then suddenly alarms rang out EEEEEEEEEEEE! EEEEEEEEEEE! Recomma slithered away, leaving bearrd alone.


Chapter 3: Bras searches for bearrd

Bras had given up all hope, he had searched the entire ship, but couldn’t find even a trace of bearrd. "he must be in a spaceship" bras said hopelessly. Timber, who sat nearby, heard his remark, and said sarcastically "of course, how very smart, why didn’t any of us think of it before?" bras glared at timber, feeling insulted, said "okay, I’ll do what every loyal commander would do!" with that, he stormed off to the pilots compartment. "timber, you didn’t have to make bras mad!" destra said angrily, timber said "I’m sorry, all of us are on edge since bearrd disappeared and- where in the world did br- he was cut short by the noise of the engines. Bras had started the spaceship! Bras’s voice came over the comlink "I’m looking for bearrd, so don’t panic!" drumstick panicked. "POK POK POK BBAAWKK!" drumstick screeched, and timber stopped him by shouting "SHUT UP!!!" drumstick quieted, nestled in his nest. The spaceship flew off to search bearrd.


Chapter 4: Streaker

While Recomma was gone, bearrd looked around his prison for something to build, sometimes he found a few scraps of metal and pieces of rock, and he managed to build two little battle tanks with built-in marble launchers, and he fired one of them and the marble hit its mark. Suddenly a voice said "you’re good at building things. How did you get so good?" bearrd turned around and saw it was the guard. "I don’t know." Bearrd replied. The guard said "well you are good at mechanical things, I never was. My name is streaker, what is yours?" "bearrd" bearrd said, happy that he had someone to talk to. " I’m the captain of the green spaceship. Lets see if I can remember them all. Bras the lion is commander, timber the tiger is navigator, destra the tiger is doctor, buzzard the wasp is engineer, and the rest don’t have any jobs, and they are: drumstick the rooster, ariel the triceratops." streaker asked "are they all cartoons like you?" "no" bearrd replied " but there could be a cartoon that would join the spaceship" "okay!" streaker said excitedly "I’d better go now. Recomma will be waiting for me, and there will be another guard to take over, so goodbye!" then he ran off. Bearrd smiled, he had found a new friend!


Chapter 5: The Space Castle

"bras, how long are you going to be driving?" timber asked, and bras replied "till I find bearrd." So timber said "well, that could take a very long time." "your just jealous that you don’t get to drive." Bras said "so I"M going to find bearrd, and that’s FINAL!" timber stopped talking, and the spaceship was quiet, except for engines. They had been searching for bearrd for hours, and couldn’t find even a trace of him. Suddenly bras said " I think I see a floating castle! Timber, look on the scanner!" timber looked at the scanner, and said "not on the scanner, its to far away, get closer!" bras pushed a button marked "HYPERDRIVE" and the spaceship blasted away at supersonic speed. "wow, the spaceship going faster than lightspeed!" bras said, then he pushed "STOP" and the spaceship’s hyperdrive stopped. "bras, why did you stop?" timber asked, and bras said "because we’re here, scan the ship for bearrd!" timber started scanning, and said "it doesn’t seem to have bearrd aboard… hey wait! BEARRD’S ON THAT MONSTER!"


Chapter 6: The Rescue

"bras, land!" destra shouted in her comlink. "okay!" bras shouted back, and then landed the spaceship. Everyone except drumstick climbed out, and ran towards a hallway. Everywhere they looked they saw prisons. They kept on running, looking for bearrd, when suddenly they ran into a guard. "oh!" he shouted "are you the friends of bearrd?" "yes, we’re trying to rescue him." Destra said, and the guard said "the prison is that way, don’t get caught by the guard!" bras ran towards the prison, with the rest of the crew members following him. They all jumped on the guard, who ran away. Bras grabbed the keys and pushed them into the lock, and door slowly opened, and bearrd walked out of the prison, and ariel shouted "captain black leopard!" bearrd was offended "I’m not a leopard, I’m a panther" then bearrd said "lets get out of this castle, but first…" bearrd walked over to a cabinet, and pulled out a laser and a gun with a needle on it, and aimed at the wall BANG! It hit the wall and attached to it, and bras saw that the needle was connected to the gun with a very strong cord. Bearrd pushed a button and the needle flew back into the gun. Then bearrd said "everyone get a weapon!" they all grabbed white lasers and then ran into the hallway. They kept on running, when suddenly, EEEEEEEEE! EEEEEEEEEE! And then bras shouted "there’s the spaceship!" But then the hallway in front of them darkened, and they all saw Recomma in front of them, his hood fully extended, and then he hissed "HISSSSS!!!"


Chapter 7: Kahn and Scaler

Recomma hissed again, but bearrd grabbed his laser and fired, hitting Recomma with a super multicolored beam, "HISSSSSSS!!!" Recomma hissed, and then slithered off. "okay!" bras said happily "lets get into the spaceship!" they all climbed into the spaceship, and then launched off, flying towards a nearby planet. They landed on the planet, and bearrd, bras and timber climbed out of the spaceship. They all walked around, the planet had a swampy surface, they strange noises of some alien frogs, when suddenly they heard a voice "Help! Help! Its going to eat me! an anaconda! AAHHHHHH!" bearrd and bras ran towards the voice and then saw a boa constrictor and a anaconda engaged in a wrestling match. "what in the world are they doing?" bras said, staring at the two snakes. The boa constrictor heard him and snapped "using self defense, of course, if YOU met with a anaconda, wouldn’t you use too?" bras glared at the boa constrictor evilly, and then it looked like they were going to start a wrestling match, if bearrd hadn’t stopped them by saying "stop arguing, there’s reason to argue." The boa constrictor turned to bearrd and then stared at him, and said "bearrd!!" bras stared at the snake, and then turned to bearrd and asked "how does he know your name?" "he was my only friend at the port, and even before that. His name is kahn." Bearrd answered. Then the anaconda said "and my name is scaler!" then bearrd asked "do you want to join the spaceship?" "yes! yes!" the snakes said at once. There were two new crew members of the green spaceship!


Chapter 8: New Crew Members

kahn and scaler were good crew members and they fit in nicely. But bearrd, bras and timber still had to explore, and they went back into the swamp. Bras was a little behind and he hurried to catch up. When he did catch up, bearrd was looking at pool of water in the distance, "we’ll go to that pool of water." He said "we need fuel for the spaceship. Who knows? We might even find a new crew member.". They started at a steady pace, but were slowed down because the terrain got mountainous and rocky, but they finally reached the end of the rocky ground and came to a forest of birch trees and springs everywhere. "stop, what’s that?" bearrd said. What bearrd saw was two snakes talking together, one, a cobra was on the ground and the other, a rainbow boa, in the trees. When bearrd, bras and timber walked up, they stopped talking and looked at them. "hello." The rainbow boa said "I’m glitter, who are you?" so bearrd said "I’m bearrd, captain of the green spaceship, and those two are some of my crew members, and they are commander bras and navigator timber." The cobra said "I’m quickring." Then bearrd said "do you want to join the spaceship?" "yes!" the snakes said, and bearrd said "okay." Then they walked towards the pool. It took them one hour to get to the pool, and when they did, they filled the buckets and started to go back to the spaceship. But bearrd saw two crabs that were bigger then him and he asked "do you want to join the spaceship?" the crabs said "cokey!" and then started to follow him.


Chapter 9: Recomma Strikes

Recomma slithered around in circles, waiting for his ship to be ready, he kept on thinking "I have to get all of them…" and then the guard came in and said "your ship is ready." "Good!" Recomma hissed "I will capture all of them." Then he slithered into his ship.


bearrd, bras and timber heard a roar above there heads and looked up, and saw a spaceship go flying above. "that spaceship had the mark of Recomma!" bearrd said "lets hurry back to the spaceship!" but before they had gone several inches, Recomma had landed, and was slithering towards them. "OHNO!" bearrd said. bearrd, bras and timber started to dodge the poisonous sprays that Recomma firing at them, and then Recomma started to blow poisonous flames at them, and they dodged them too, and then bearrd ripped out his laser and fired it at Recomma, but he dodged it quickly and then charged at bearrd angrily, and leaped into the air and smashed down just as was above him.


Chapter 10: A New Ally

"bearrd!" bras shouted, and then a voice said "I’m right over here." Bras looked and saw bearrd standing near a tree. "no one has ever dodged that." Recomma said, looking at bearrd "I admire knowledge, I will ally with you." Bearrd looked over at Recomma, and said "well, we will need a ally when DTD finds out that I still exist." Then bearrd said "we had better get going. We have to be in the spaceship." Recomma slithered into his spaceship, and launched off into space. Bras and timber ran into the spaceship, and bearrd started to walk towards the spaceship, when suddenly he felt a jerk, and he turned around but didn’t see anything, and he climbed into the spaceship. Then bearrd pulled the launch lever, and the green spaceship launched into space.