Will's Place: Musings, stories and live od an aspiring blogger and amature podcaster...
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Welcome Back To Will's Place!
updated: 9/21/06

Well, as you can see, we've been in the throws of construction, and we've added a few things!
First and foremost, the message boards are now open! You can join up, and chat about many different topics, and our MB Admin is looking forward to welcoming all of you!
We're having some troubles with the chat room, so we'll let you know in a future update how that's going....
And we now have 2, Yes TWO blogs here at Will's Place! The First of course is my personal Blog. The second is the official Will's Place Radio Blog! That's right folks, we now have a blog where you can directly listen to EVERY Episode of the old Will's Musings Podcast, and all of our current episodes of Will's Place Radio!
 Note: We're still in the process of uploading some of the older episodes to the Internet Archive for storage and for you to listen to here on the blog. please be patient... They'll all be there soon, we promise! 
Stay with us as we expand Will's Place, and hope to see you all here posting, Listening, and comenting soon!
Will, Alvin, and DragonPrincess
Copyright  2006, Will's Place/Will's Place Radio , All Rights Reserved.