1. You must be a school-age student to submit your work. Others may submit work but only if it is relevant to teen interests.
2. All submissions must be accompanied by a submission form (even if your work is e-mailed or saved as an electronic file). You can get submission forms at the library, or print them from the magazine Web site at: www.oocities.org/willcoxmag/.
3. Submissions must be turned in to the Elsie S Hogan Community Library. You may submit your work in one of the following ways: a. The Written Word: i. E-mail. Save your submission as a Microsoft Word file and attach it in an e-mail. In the subject line of your e-mail message, please specify what section you think your submission should go under. Send your e-mail to teen.mag@gmail.com ii. Electronic File. Save your submission as a Microsoft Word file and save it to one of the library's laptop computers. Please notify library staff that you have saved a submission to the computer, and which computer it was. You will need to turn in a submission form at that time. b. Other Forms: i. Electronic File or E-mail. If you can save your photography, artwork or drawing as a .jpeg file or in Microsoft Publisher, PowerPoint or Word, please do. E-mail the file to teen.mag@gmail.com by following the same guidelines for written submissions. Follow the same guidelines for electronic files, if you wish to save to a library laptop instead. ii. Hard Copy. Bring in your artwork, photography or drawing in ink on plain white paper. Submissions on brightly colored, dark colored or lined paper will not be accepted. You will need to turn in a submission form with your artwork.
4. Rules a. The Written Word i. Please type in 12-point, Times New Roman font. ii. Previously published work may be submitted, so long as it has not been submitted for previous issues. iii. Please limit the use of profanity in your work; do NOT use the f-word. Please also limit sex, violence and other potentially offensive material in your work. iv. News submissions must have at least two sources (who are cited in the article if they are quoted or paraphrased, and whose contact information is provided at the end of the article), and must NOT contain any opinion content from the writer. b. Other Forms i. Photography, drawings and artwork should be clearly labeled on a submission form. ii. Do NOT put your name on the actual artwork or photograph. iii. Drawings on lined paper, dark paper or brightly colored paper will not be accepted. iv. Pictures of 3D artwork may be submitted. c. There is no limit to the number of written or artistic works you can submit. |