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Water Fort - entrance of the harbour

Water Fort at the entrance of the St.Anna Bay (photo RDMZ 1996)


Location: Waterfortstraat. Punda

Ownership: the Island Territory of Curagao 

The Water Fort was built in 1826 and 1827 on the Eastern corner of the debouchment of Sint Anna Bay, to the South of Fort Amsterdam. It is part of the series of fortifications which were planned at that time.

On the bay and sea sides, the walls of the fort follow the coastline, so that the course of the wall is irregular.  Because the Water Fort and Fort Marietje (eastern part) have been put into use for other purposes (shops, catering establishments, etc.), various embrasures and connections between the casemates have been closed. The short Northernmost section ( in front of the Governor's Palace) of the original three casemates has been demolished in the 1960's.

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Water Fort - seaside

Water Fort / Fort Marichi - Seaside terras (photo RDMZ 1996)

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Waterfort - Landside

Water Fort - Landside after the restauration in 1988 (photo RDMZ 1996)

Waterfort - Landside 1984 (before restoration)

Water Fort - Landside before the restauration in 1988 (photo © J.J. van der Harten)

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