q & a
Q: How many speeding tickets have each of you guys had, including Ryan? And which one is the priciest? A: I've had one since we've been out. It cost me $80.

Q: Now that you all are big rock stars, all the fans are dying to know boxers or briefs? And we know that Will doesn't wear underwear so the question doesn't apply to him! A: Hmm...wouldn't that take all the mystery and fun out of it all. Ask and I'll show you...

Q: Tattoos and piercing? How many and where? And for the tattoos, what are they of? A: Pierced ears and 2 tattoos. One is a solar eclipse and the other is a star

Q: Favorite cartoon characters? A: Bugs Bunny

Q: Excluding everything that's happened to you musically this past year, what is one dream that you wish would come true? A: Right now, I don't really have any unfulfilled dreams other than things musically related.

Q: What does music mean to you? Why did you decide to make music your life?  A: I'm not sure I chose music, I think it chose me. Of course it's very important and is part of every part of my life. I think without music the world would be a very sad, boring existence.

Q: Was Huey Lewis one of your greatest influences? A: Not exactly.

Q: What were your childhoods like? A: I don't think my childhood was significantly different than anyone else's. Nothing extraordinary or tragic comes to mind.

Q: What made you guys decide to do this? For the two of you that did the whole college thing, as you put it Will at the Vandy show, what did you study? A: I think part of it is destiny. As I said earlier, I feel as if music chose me, so deciding to do it was the easy part. I have a B.A in Criminal Justice with a double minor in Psychology and Sociology.

Q: When you were little what did you want to be when you grew up?
A: A drummer in a rock band

Q: Which song of yours is the most personal/your current favorite on the album?
A: I can't answer fully, cause I'm to closely involved with them. I do lean towards Rock Star, but that's apt to change depending on when I'm asked.

Q: Do you feel like you're 'in the big show' now? A: A little, but I think there's still work to be done, and other hurdles to clear. But, I do appreciate what we've achieved so far.

Q: What ONE musical artist do you admire most?
A: This question is too tough to answer. Too many different people/artist have had an affect on what I do. To narrow it to one is not fair to the others.

Q: What CD's are you listening to now?
A: Whew, there's a lot of different stuff. I just checked out The Strokes, the new Elton John. I heard the new Lenny Kravitz. That's just a few. I listen to a lot of stuff.

Q: Who is the best driver of the tour van?
A: Since I drive the most, I would of course say me.

Q: What is one thing we should know about each member of the band that we might not? A: Brian and Kirk don't like tomatoes. Tres' phone rings a lot.

Q: What are your favorite foods? A: Pot roast, pasta and corn

Q: Most creative time of day? A: Evening

Q: What one TV show/movie/author are you addicted to? A: Tom Cloney

Q: If you could have any band open for you, who would it be?
A: Too tough...have to think of that one.

Q: Who has the most 'style' among you? A: Who knows?

Q: Who is the smoothest talker? A: Tres

Q: Who decides the set list each night?
A: Will generally makes the set list. We sometimes suggest songs we'd like to play.

Q: Ever get stage fright? A: Ever, sure. Not regularly though.

Q: What were you like in high school? A: I was a band geek.

Q: What is the one personal item that you have to have on the road with you to make it feel more like home? A: As many shoes as I can fit in my luggage.