Tres is pretty smooth but he has a bad lisp sometimes, Will isn't bad but he spits a lot when he talks, Kirk isn't bad either but he has a stuttering problem, and I usually just don't talk at all...   - Brian
Will, what CD's are you listening to now? A: I'm watching TV.
Boxers or briefs, Kirk?

Hmm...wouldn't that take all the mystery and fun out of it all. Ask and I'll show you...
We all like to rock out to Boston-eeeek.   - Tres
Read, sleep, drink, meet girls.  - Tres
But he sure can wear plaid.  - Tres (about Huey Lewis)
Who ate my cookies? - Kirk
Tres' phone rings a lot - Kirk
Scorpios are supertious. - Tres
Any habits? Yes. Good ones and bad ones. - Brian
Don't know., but SURELY it can't get harder! - Will, when asked if being a rock star made it easier to meet girls.
.. and maybe picking up a tour with the Stones... - Brian (dreams that he'd like to see come true)
But, sometimes I'll be getting into it with Tres or Brian or Kirk and I'll realize that I have 2 seconds to get back to the mic to sing and I run back the mic stand. One time I stepped on it and it busted me in the lip and I was bleeding through the rest of the show. I mean, on one hand its like, "yeah! rock on! I'm a fucking rock star," but on the other hand, it hurts.  - Will
S: If you were in a circus, what would you be?
W: I'll answer for everybody. [chuckle] I'd say Kirk would be a clown because I know he's crazy scared of them. I'd be the ringleader or circus master, cause I like to organize. Tres would be a lion tamer. Which one's sexier, the fire-eater or the tight rope walker? Which ever one, that is what Brian would be. - Will  (from STING)