The Williams reunion was held at the "Garden of Roses" in 1962. The minutes were
read by the secretary, Mary Ellen Williams. The report of the family project was given
by Ginny Boggs.
Gene Bostic was nominated for President by Marge Rodgers and was elected. Toni
Williams was nominated for Vice President by Frank Williams and was elected. "Marge"
Rodgers was nominated for secretary by Hazel Williams and elected.
A gift was presented to Bob & Dora Stuller, guests from Michigan, for being the farthest
A lovely sweater was presented to Mom Williams by the Committee.
Dale & Erma Williams were presented a gift for the youngest couple.
With the new President presiding, the following committees were appointed:
Location: Ed Boggs & Chet Williams
Entertainment: Jan & Donna Sullivan, Sally & Ronnie Close & Dale & Erma Williams
Pat Bostic won the door prize and is supposed to bring a gift for next year. Toni Williams
won the coin contest. Kenneth Scott Williams won a prize for being the youngest one
"Marge" and "Ernie" Rodgers were the first guests to arrive and were given a gift and
will bring one gift next year.
Last guests to arrive were Jan & Donna so they were given the honor of being on
entertainment committee.
Lovely contests followed, for young and old with many prizes and gifts for children.
A delicious dinner was enjoyed by everyone. 60 were present.
Bills presented and paid totaled $16.97. We have a balance on hand of $14.29.
Marjorie Rodgers, secretary