The annual Williams Reunion was held at Moundbuilders Park in Newark, Ohio 
in August- 1964.

Gene Bostic, president, conducted the business meeting and Marge Rodgers, 
secretary-treasurer, read the minutes from the 1962 and gave the treasurer's report; 
both were approved.

Frank Williams was elected president, Jan Sullivan vice-president and Phyllis Keyes 
Sec-Treas. for 1965. Paul Ellingsworth & Roy Williams were elected for the Location 
Committee and Chet & Hazel Williams and Clayton & Kathleen Williams were elected 
for the Entertainment committee.

Time for the '65 reunion was set for 1st Sunday in August.

There were 33 persons present.

The balance on hand was $14.29, paid out $5.56, collection $13.50, leaving a 
current balance of $22.23.

Minutes by: Marge Rodgers

Among those in attendance were:

Chet Williams
Jan & Donna Sullivan
Bobbie Cornwell
Hazel Williams 
Mike Williams
Jack Hummell
Pat & Gene Bostic
Mr. & Mrs. Roy Williams and Connie, Pudge & Willie
Sally Close and Ronnie Jr. & Cindy
Paul, Ricky, & Jean Ellingsworth
Mr. & Mrs. Frank Williams and Wayne, Judy & Steve
Ernie Rodgers
Fred Rodgers
"Marge" Rodger
Mrs. Jack Gibson
Glenna Williams
Mike Keyes
Jimmy Keyes
Ethel Williams
Kenneth Williams
Williams Reunion