1988 Williams Reunion
September 7, 1988
The annual Williams Reunion was held Sunday, September 7th 1988 at Sharon Woods with 33 members.

Elections were held and the following were chosen for next year.

  President: Eston
  Secretery: Jan Sullivan
  Site: Chet & Hazel
  Games: Boyd & Judy

Youngest: Stephanie Bostic
Oldest: Frank Williams
First to Arrive: Wayne & Cheryl Williams
Last: Jackie Bostic
Farthest: Dale Williams

Those in attendence were:

Ken & Mary Williams
James & Judy Williams
Frank & Mary Ellen Williams
Karen Williams
Wayne & Cheryl Williams - Matt, Aaron, Jessica & Nate
Judy, Boyd, Trevor & Tammy Ruth
Roger Williams & Stephanie Dillon
Eston & Edith Williams
Robert Williams
Jan & Donna Sullivan - Donnie & Jerry
Chet & Hazel Williams
Pat & Gene Bostic
Jackie Bostic
Stephanie Bostic
go back
Cheryl, Wayne, Matt, Nathan, Aaron & Jessica Williams
Judy, Jim & Karen Williams
Mary & Dale Williams
Frank & Mary Ellen
Donna, Donnie, Jan, Jerry & Ranae
Jackie, Pat, Stephanie & Gene
Eston, Rob, Edith, Roger & Stephanie
Boyd, Tammy, Judy & Trevor Ruth