Williams Family Reunion
~ 1960 - 2000 ~
40 Years of Family, Food & Fun

Dresden Water Works Park ~ Dresden, Ohio
59 People attended the reunion. The first to arrive was Frank & Mary Ellen; last was Devyn Iannello.  Oldest was Frank. Furthest away was Judy & Boyd.  Elections for 2001 were:

               President: Eric Williams
          V. President: Jeff Smythe
        Sec/Treasurer: Jody Rodgers
                       Site: Julie Rodgers
                   Games: Cindy Rodgers

Stephanie Rodgers won the candy jar guess with 182 pieces. Matt Hawk won the money jar guess with $10.75.  Ashley Williams, Phillip Williams and Donna Sullivan won scarecrow door prizes.  Roulette was the game.

Those in attendence included:

Jan & Donna Sullivan
Francis & Pam Smythe & Jeremy
Ashley Williams
Fred & Cindy Rodgers & family
Julie & Jody Rodgers
Matt & Tammy Hawk
Boyd, Judy & Trevor Ruth
Frank & Mary Ellen Williams
Mark & Jeanne Williams
Wendy Williams & Rich Priest - Devyn
Neil & Sue Williams
Eric & Karrie Williams & family
Jennifer, James & Ethan Lynagh
Jeff & Tina Smythe
Jerry & Ranae Sullivan
Rene & Pat Bostic
Dan & Jackie Orr
Donnie & Amy Sullivan
Hazel Williams
Dillon & Mason Larimer
Wayne & Cheryl Williams

Following the reunion, everyone was invited to attend the dedicaton ceremony of the Greg Rodgers Memorial for Fallen Firefighters at the Dresden Volunteer Fire Department. Greg, the son of Marge Williams Rodgers, collapsed and died at a barn fire just south of Dresden on December 13, 1999.

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