Williams Reunion
Dresden Water Works Park
The reunion was held Sunday, September 16, 2001, at the Dresden Water Works Park.

Officers for 2002:

President: Mark Williams
V. President: Neil Williams
Sec/Treasurer: Jody Rodgers
Site: Eric Williams
Games: Wendy Williams

Oldest Man: Frank Williams
Oldest Woman: Hazel Williams
Youngest: Noah Williams, son of Eric & Karrie
Last to arrive: Wendy Williams & Richie Priest
First to arrive: Smiley Smythe                                               
Farthest: Judy Ruth

Gum Ball Guess: Ranae Sullivan
Hard Candy Guess: Jerry Sullivan

Eric Williams, president, conducted the business meeting. He urged everyone to get their relatives to attend next year's reunion. The Half & Half was won by Phillip Williams ($14.00).  $1.00 was given to Boyd for his annual lottery.  A hat was passed and $40.00 was collected. It was agreed to donate the money to the Dresden Volunteer Fire Department and a thank-you  note was read from the DVFD for last year's donation. A group picture was taken of everyone in attendence this year.

Those attending:

Jody Rodgers
Cindy, Stephanie, Emily & Samantha Rodgers
Jan & Donna Sullivan
Judy Ruth
Matt & Tammy Hawk
Frank & Mary Ellen Williams
Wendy Williams, Rich Priest & Devyn Ianniello
Francis & Pam Smythe
Jerry & Ranae Sullivan
Donnie & Amy Sullivan
Hazel R. Williams
Neil, Sue & Phillip Williams
Karrie, Eric, Tanner & Noah Williams
Jeff Smythe
go back
Mary Ellen & Frank Williams
Noah Williams
Samantha Rodgers & Devyn Ianniello