Here is a picture that I have named "the 3 Stooges".  This is my dad, my sister and me during a little play time in 1978 sometime.  I swear my dad is just as hip now as he was then!

Here is me with one of my early bluegrass influences Mr Johny Marcum around 1983.  A joyful fellow and sadly missed by many.  Johny, that old Gibson is still ringing!

My goodness!  I was so cool then that I needed a sweater in July.  Just teasing, but I did know everything then, in fact I had perfect theories of how to solve all the worlds problems and make a million dollars overnight without effort.  My mom and dad were just clueless. 

Ok, I was wrong, they were right.  And all of my big ideas went inside the closet along with that Fender Strat.  I was crazy then I admit, but insanity was fun while it lasted!

Setser Family Reunion 1997.  This is a picture of me pickin and grinning.  This year was also the first year that we combined  stage acts along with our reunion, and it has been a long lasting tradition since and I hope it continues.

People I promise that this photo has not been retouched!

This is me and my cousin Brian Carter during our rowdier days of 1995.

Brian has since got a hair cut and has become a minister of the Lord.

By the way ladies, he's single!!

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