This site was last updated: 28.7.04 (19:23pm)
Willith's Site Of Stuff V.2
Revamp anyone?
Well after mutiple requests to update my site after it's year of inactivity I have.  Now I have been very busy recently but I'll try and keep this updated.
Welcome one and all to my world.  And what a scary place it is too. Up is down and boy bands do indeed play their own instruments (Bad McFly, back into the basement). Now this website will mainly be about me, my friends, more me, then some of my comics and lastly but by no means leastly more me (So get out while you can).

Of course there shall be the obligitory About Me, My Friends, Things I like pages but hopefully the comics will help to spice it up a bit more. As with all creative things Constructive Critism (Read: Adoration of my amazing work) is accepted but you may be shot next time I see you.

Anyway, go, enjoy! (And what're you doing still sitting there? Let's get gaming!) Oh the fun we have I do say....
One of my more random moments with my wonky webcam, the Pig and a nice shot of my room
I raise your Pig with my guitar and it's funky background.  (My wall + Photoshop effects)
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About My Good Self
My Friends
The rest of the site ^.^()
Comics 1 - 4
Comics 5 - 8