Seeing right through you



“Duck, I’ll be out of town all week.”

“Where are you going, dear?” Ducky looked at his long time lover, who was closing the trunk of his Dodge. Ducky knew that his Jethro didn’t have anything on the agenda this week. If he hadn’t known better, Ducky would have thought that Jethro was after one of those redheads again.


Ducky watched Jethro wrestle with his thoughts, he noticed that Jethro had become slightly nervous. Ducky couldn’t help but feeling entertained by this charade.

“Well?” Ducky crossed his arms and stared at his lover.


“You know you can tell me anything, Jethro dearest.” Ducky said, teasing Jethro. Ducky knew exactly what he was up to, and it wasn’t preparing for Valentine’s Day, it was running away from it. Jethro didn’t like the set up for Sinterklaas, which was Ducky’s doing. Ducky just knew that Jethro thought he was going to do it again.

“Yeah…” Jethro walked towards him and kissed him sweetly. “Like I said, I’ll be out of town all week.”

“But you’ll miss Valentine’s Day!”

“Sorry.” Jethro smiled at him and ruffled through Ducky’s hair. “See you in a week.”

Ducky chuckled and waved his lover goodbye before going back inside the house. He walked into the study, and called Abby.

“Yo Ducky!” Abby’s voice sounded.

“Hello Abigail.” Ducky laughed.

“He left?”

“Yes, a minute ago.”

“Sweet! Don’t worry Duckman, his car has GPS, I follow his every move.”

“Thank you.”

“Though I feel kind of sorry for Gibbs.” Abby continued. “He thinks you came up with another plan, so he runs away from you, and yet, you’ll join him on Valentine’s Day.”

“Let him think that I believe him.”


No way was Ducky going to trick him again. He had to admit, he loved what Ducky had done for the holidays, but he didn’t want to go Europe hopping again. He had turned off his cell phone so he was sure that Abby or McGee couldn’t track him down, and most importantly, Tony had proven that he was capable of leading an investigation and he didn’t want him to call him. It had been too normal the past few weeks. He was certain Ducky was up to something again. He had a gut feeling, and this was one of those times he trusted on his gut. It was going to be a hard week, being without his Ducky, but he’d call him from a payphone when Ducky was with his mother for the week. He was sure, Ducky wouldn’t put a tab on the phone. Gibbs would make certain he’d cover up his trail. He was a criminal investigator, a damn good one and he knew how to disappear.

His first stop would be in Delaware , to fill his car up with gas, eat something, get coffee and visit the beach. He hadn’t been to the beach in ages, but he loved the salt water, the sand, the romantic touch it had… already he missed Ducky. He promised himself that one day, he’d take Ducky to that gorgeous Victorian Hotel at Rehoboth Beach and spend the night out. But he tried not to think of Ducky, it made things more easier and for now he’d sleep in his car.

Then, he’d drive to Ohio to sleep in a motel and maybe he’d go to Canada . It was only about 8 hours driving towards Canada from Ohio . Leaving without a plan seemed like a good idea, leaving without Ducky wasn’t, but it was something he had to get over with.


“Ducky!” Abby bounced into autopsy while Ducky was doing an autopsy on yet another unfortunate marine. It had been 3 days since his Jethro had left and Tony had been breathing down his neck for a long time, trying to imitate Gibbs, so he had sent Jimmy to take Tony out to lunch so he could work in peace. Ducky often thought of hiding in Jethro’s car before he had left, and tag along. But he knew, his Jethro just wasn’t the type of man for Valentine’s Day.

“Yes Abigail?” Ducky turned around with the heart of the marine in his hands.

“Gibbs has turned around and he’s in Delaware again.”

“Thank you.” Ducky put the heart into the scale. “I owe you a dozen caf-pow’s by now, don’t I?”

“Big time.” Abby giggled and walked towards Ducky. “How’s Captain Tyler doing?”

“Fine, considering that he’s deceased for about 3 weeks.”

“3 weeks.” Abby echoed. “Was he married?”


“Wow… I feel sorry for his wife, it must be hard to be without your lover for 3 weeks.”

“Try 3 days, Abigail.” Ducky sighed. “I miss him.”

“Aw, don’t worry Duckman.” Abby carefully hugged Ducky, careful enough not to be covered in blood too. “You’ll see Gibbs soon enough.”

When Abby had left, Ducky sighed and patted Captain Tyler’s shoulder. “I feel sorry for you…” he started. He grabbed a chair and sat down next to him. “I mean… you’ll never see your wife and kids again. Your wife won’t be able to touch you anymore, the way you like it, she won’t see your face anymore and most of all, you have to miss her smile. I swear Captain Tyler, I will find out what made you get ripped out of life, and why your wife is alone now.”


Gibbs had been gone for 5 days. He could have just smacked himself. He didn’t want to go Europe hopping, but he had been state hopping and it felt the same way, just without his Ducky, it was lonely. He decided to “do the rest of his time” in Bethesda . It was close to home, and familiar terrain. He hadn’t been homesick ever since being a little kid, but now he had to resist his feeling to go back to Washington and be with Ducky.

He missed Ducky next to him in bed, his warmth, his lips, his… well everything. He loved Ducky’s voice, he wouldn’t mind being with Ducky for one whole week to listen to the stories he’d heard before. Gibbs just often pretended that Ducky was with him, in the shower, even the thought of that made him long for him. Gibbs would never tell Ducky that he missed him THAT much, that he jerked himself off, thinking of him.

Gibbs was startled when someone knocked on his motel room door. When he opened it, he saw Ducky standing there, holding a single rose, smiling from ear to ear.

“Duck?” he said surprised. “But… how?”

“Aren’t you letting me in, dearest?”

Gibbs grabbed Ducky by the arm and pulled him close against him, kicked the door shut and kissed his lover passionately. “I missed you.” Gibbs muttered while kissing. He decided to ask Ducky later how he found him, right now, he wanted to feel him, taste him and most of all, make love to him.


“Happy Valentine’s Day, dear Jethro.” Ducky smiled as he snuggled up on Jethro and his warm body. Jethro automatically pulled the blankets over them.

“You too, Duck.” Jethro sighed happily. “Now… tell me… how did you find me?”