Bad Case of loving you
(Song fic. Song belongs to Robert Palmer, no copyright infrigment intended)


A hot summer night, fell like a net

I've gotta find my baby yet

I need you to soothe my head

Turn my blue heart to red


Gibbs swallowed hard. The jukebox in the Cantina had played the same song for over an hour now. It had been stuck in 1974, so it seems, or this song was the only one that was still working. He had been in Mexico for a few months now, or so he thought, he had seen the sun come up and go down a lot of times, he lost count.


His memory still showed some holes, but he knew that his feelings for Ducky were real, on the contrary of the memories he had of the NCIS director, Jenny, those memories were still fuzzy. The eccentric M.E. with all his stories, and to Gibbs' surprise, he remembered a lot - if not all - of the stories the good doctor had told him. He remembered their nights together, their talks, and how Ducky smelled - faintly like formaldehyde, and when he stayed over at Gibbs' house, sawdust - and of course, not to forget, his mother with Alzheimer's. His memories of Ducky were the reason that he kept going. Ducky, his Duck, was the one that kept him going, even though he was in Mexico , and Ducky in Washington D.C.   And he knew, he needed Ducky's permission to return.


But did Gibbs want to return? After all, the people that were supposed to defend the country had lied. Everything they had done that evening when Ziva had brought Gibbs to MTAC, was against all morality. He could of course, retire forever now. He had already turned in his badge and gun, and all he had to do was to fill in some papers. He might persuade Ducky to retire too.


He knew the answer, when he called Ducky with Camille's cell phone. "No Jethro, you're going to return when you're done. When you're absolutely certain you want to return. You're not going to return because of me."

"But I'm missing you, Duck." Gibbs nagged.

"Why are you calling me? If you wanted to return, you would have been on a plane right now."

"I miss you… My head hurts… I keep thinking of you."

"It's not about me."

"I know, but… I feel so lost."

"Then find yourself, dear."


Disobeying Ducky, Gibbs found himself on the plane back to D.C. the next day.


Gibbs hummed the song when he was in the cab on the way to Ducky's house. It was already late in the evening, and he knew that Mrs. Mallard wasn't home. It was Ducky's free weekend, when Mrs. Mallard spent a weekend at an elderly care centre. He opened the front door with his own key after seeing light burning in the study, and sang the chorus to the song out loud.


Doctor, doctor give me the news

I've got a bad case of lovin' you

No pill's gonna cure my ill

I've got a bad case of lovin' you


"Jethro!" Ducky exclaimed surprised, looking up from his book about some new form of pathology. "Oh no…" Ducky said worried. "You didn't listen…"

"Of course not, Duck." Gibbs smiled. "Why should I?" He pulled the older man to his feet and kissed him tenderly. "I've missed you."

"Jethro… this isn't right." Ducky insisted. "You had to come back when you knew you were ready… not because you miss a poor old man like me."

"You're not poor. And certainly not old." Gibbs kissed him again, and this time, his lover answered his kiss eagerly, dropping his book to the floor and put his arms around the taller man's waist. "No long stay in a warm country makes me feel any better, Ducky." Gibbs whispered. "I just want to be with you, because you make me feel whole."


A pretty face don't make no pretty heart

I learned that buddy, from the start

You think I'm cute, a little bit shy

Momma, I ain't that kind of guy


Gibbs hid at Ducky's place for a week. He wasn't ready to face his former team yet, nor Abby for that matter. He suddenly realized he had made the wrong choice. He hadn't been ready to return 'home'. Ducky all too often showed Gibbs that he hadn't been ready. Gibbs wasn't himself, he still lived in Mexico time, and usually Gibbs had been patient with Mrs. Mallard, but he simply couldn't be patient.

"Go home, Jethro." Ducky said softly after Gibbs had scolded him once again, for something minor that wasn't even worth to have an argument about. "Go to your boat. Go."

Gibbs realized that he really had hurt Ducky this time, and he hadn't meant it that way. "Duck… I'm sorry."

"No you're not." Ducky looked up to him, a mixture between sadness and love were in his eyes. "Don't listen to your hormones, the next time. Go home."

The next few minutes were a staring contest. Gibbs stared at Ducky, with tears in his eyes,  and Ducky stared back, his eyes had turned cold, and he obviously had enough.

"I'm sorry." Gibbs softly said while he turned around, grabbed his coat and went outside. For a summer afternoon, it was kind of chilly. It rained slightly, and Gibbs didn't even mind. The weather suited his current state of mind. He walked around for a while before taking a cab to his house. He was angry, he was hurt, he felt alone and most of importantly, he was lost.


The minute he got into his basement, he grabbed an axe and started to destroy his boat. He released all his anger, and didn't stop until the boat was nothing more but a pile of wood, ready to be thrown in the fireplace. His boat, the one he had been working on for years, gone. His anger, was gone too, but now he felt even more empty. He wanted to call Ducky. He wanted to tell Ducky what he had done. He wanted to tell Ducky how sorry he was that he had screwed up so badly. He wanted to tell Ducky, that if he could, he would turn back time and that he would have ran from Pin Pin and dodged the explosion that had rattled his brain so much. But Ducky would hang up the second he heard Gibbs' voice. Gibbs knew, he was on his own.


Doctor, doctor give me the news

I've got a bad case of lovin' you

No pill's gonna cure my ill

I've got a bad case of lovin' you


Ducky found him when he was at his weakest. He was drunk, totally wasted after drinking 5 or 6 or more bottles of Jack Daniels, and sitting in a corner of his shower, crying, naked and the cold water falling down on his already cold body.

"Idiot." Ducky said, more loving than hating. He turned off the cold water and grabbed a few towels in which he wrapped his Jethro.

"I'm not."

"Yes you are." Ducky said sweetly, kind of the way he talked to his mother. "Come on Jethro, let's get you in your bed."

"I don't want to." Gibbs sulked.

"You're too far gone, aren't you?"

"Can't walk." He grinned.

Ducky got up, and picked up the empty bottles laying around in the bathroom. "Stay put, dearest. I'm getting you coffee. Keep your hands off the shower tab." He ordered the younger man.


Ducky wasn't really worried, as Gibbs often got pissed as a newt when not feeling all too good, but he had come over to Gibbs' house to talk. He had gone to the basement first, and the sight of the shattered boat had been heart wrenching. Then Ducky had known that something was wrong with his lover. The whole house was a mess. It had been a week after Ducky had asked Gibbs to go home, and they hadn't talked since. Ducky wanted to call his Jethro, but he knew he would only make things worse. When the silence between them lasted for a week, Ducky decided that his lover was in need of some intervention. He had called Abigail, to see if Gibbs had contacted her, but when the answer was negative, Ducky collected his energy, and his determination and of course his love and went to his partner.


When Ducky returned with the coffee, Gibbs had fallen asleep. "I'm sorry dearest but…" Ducky sighed as he turned on the cold shower, to wake up his lover.

"God damn it!" Gibbs exclaimed and nearly jumped.

"No, not God, dear. I turned on the shower."

"Sadist." Gibbs muttered.

"You need to warm up, Jethro." Ducky turned off the shower again and handed his lover a cup of extra strong coffee.

"You're cruel, Duck." Gibbs nagged and happily took over the cup of coffee. "Guess you're right though. I'm a bastard."

"I should have come by earlier." Ducky sat down on the toilet seat with the thermos of coffee and looked at his lover. "But I figured you needed some time to breathe."

"I destroyed my boat because of you."

"No, you destroyed your boat because other wise you'd have harmed someone."

"Duck, I'm drunk. Do we really need to have this conversation right now?"

"Drink your coffee, dear."

Gibbs stared at Ducky for a long time and then decided to drink the coffee. He drank a whole thermos in silence, and Ducky kept quiet too. He had another pot in the kitchen, and if Gibbs wanted that, he'd get it.

"Get off the toilet, I need to use it." Gibbs half barked. Ducky willingly got up and left the bathroom. Gibbs standing up meant that he was sobering. Which was good.


Despite his Jethro's foul mood, they talked all night long. Drinking coffee. Ordering pizza. They talked about anything and everything. And sometimes, Gibbs remembered something, and Ducky explained who and what to him when he asked for it.


Doctor, doctor give me the news

I've got a bad case of lovin' you

No pill's gonna cure my ill

I've got a bad case of lovin' you


Special Agent Gibbs was re-instated a month after he returned home. He had realized that loving Ducky wasn't the right reason to come home. He had realized that he had been a big mess, and he still was, but he could deal with it now, better than he used to do. He had even started to work on a new boat. The solitude in Mexico hadn't been such a bad idea, but he needed his friends around him, Ducky and Abby. Tony still knew how to draw blood from under Gibbs' nails.


"Hey Duck?"

"Yes, dear?" Ducky nestled himself even closer into Gibbs than he already was.

"I love you." Gibbs softly kissed Ducky on his forehead. "I don't know what I would have done without you."

"Sometimes, dearest, you need someone to stop you from self-destruction."

"Shut up and kiss me."


I know you like it, you like it on top

Tell me momma are you gonna stop


You had me down, 21 to zip

Smile of Judas on your lip

Shake my fist, knock on wood

I've got it bad and I've got it good


Doctor, doctor give me the news

I've got a bad case of lovin' you

No pill's gonna cure my ill

I've got a bad case of lovin' you