This web site contains fan fiction inspired by a variety of television shows. The majority, if not all, is femslash (a.k.a. f/f slash, femlash, femmeslash and saffic). For those that don't know, femslash is a genre of fan fiction which focuses on romantic and/or sexual relationships between female characters. So if that isn't your thing I wouldn't bother going any further, but if you are into that or open to the idea please come on in and I hope you enjoy my stories.
Please read the disclaimer and site information before browsing.
I am currently updating the layout and content of the site so some of the pages/links may not work - I'm not quite finished the renovations yet!!!!
Site Updates . . . .
15th June 2008 - Added CSI stories: Christening and I Want.
20th September 2007 - I will now be including all my fan fiction here, including Law and Order:SVU and any other worlds that peek my interest. I'm sorry for the lack of updates to the site but I've been busy with a new job and I've also been sick.
30th July 2007 - Added CSI story: Firsts - The First Kiss.
28th July 2007 - Added CSI story: Firsts - It's Love.
Site Updates Archive > > > >
Site Navigation . . . .
Home - This page.
Fan Fiction - Fan Fiction written by me.
Links - Other web sites you may find interesting.
Contact Me - Email me by clicking on the link and filling in the form.
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